ezlaptop.com is a schmuck

This message was added 5/4/2004:

I have been contacted by the operator of http://www.pearlsofwealth.com/ezlaptop/ regarding this page. Since she operates a program that goes by the same name as the program that operated at EZlaptop.com and EZlaptop.net, and because her program is in no way affiliated with EZlaptop.com except by name, she feels that this site, which informs people about the ongoing saga of EZlaptop.com/EZlaptop.net and offers a location for all the people who have been affected by the scam that ran at EZlaptop.com and EZlaptop.net, does not deserve to exist. I disagree.

But, I am more than happy to make it clear that the comments expressed here by me are not intended to be regarding her program at http://www.pearlsofwealth.com/ezlaptop/ – I mean only to rever to the now-defunct program that existed at EZlaptop.com and EZlaptop.net, and the problems it has caused.

I am adding this statment to the top, middle, and bottom of both of my pages regarding EZlaptop.com/EZlaptop.net, as a courtesy to the operator of http://www.pearlsofwealth.com/ezlaptop/ – I do not want there to be any confusion – any negative comments made here are NOT about the program at http://www.pearlsofwealth.com/ezlaptop/

This message was added 2/11/2004:


I cannot say for sure yet whether they are entirely a scam, so everyone who already has an account (that hasn’t been cancelled yet), please keep clicking those links – when you get to 150, let us know what happens!

I just had my account forcibly closed.

I suspected that I had too many referrers or invalid links or something, because my credits seemed too high, so I emailed ezlaptop.com and asked if there was anything wrong, and if so, would they remove the extra credits? I made it clear that I did not believe myself to have done anything wrong and that I wanted to support their company and maintain a positive relationship and an open account.

Their response was to close my account.

Now, I can’t be sure of what happened (I think someone may have used illegal links or I may have had more than 10 referrals, and that’s what I was emailing to find out), but instead of letting me know WHAT was wrong or trying to resolve it, ezlaptop.com just closed my account.

I tried emailing ezlaptop.com several times, discussing the matter in a rational way, making it clear that while I had a guess as to what might have happened, I certainly didn’t break any of their rules myself. I tried discussing the matter as it relates to promoting a positive customer experience and creating an environment of positive customer service, but ezlaptop.com made it clear they are not interested in their customers’ interests or having a positive relationship with the people who are their source of their income.

Whether or not they ever actually send anyone a laptop, because ezlaptop.com is not interested in you beyond your $5, you should NOT do business with them. We can only teach these companies that treating people fairly is what we want by not giving our money to unfair companies.

ezlaptop.com changed its policies to prevent having to give out laptops: On the website, even right now, it encourages you (even on the Terms of Use page) to try to accumulate credits via referrals to reach the (currently) 150 credit goal faster. In fact, when they estimate how long ezlaptop.com expects it to take for someone to earn enough credits, they say that that goal can only be reached by getting a lot of referral credits. ezlaptop.com recently modified its Terms of Use so that when you reach 150 points and try to get your laptop, any credits earned from referrals beyond the first 10 referrals will be removed from your account and you will no longer have the required credits, if you had more than 10 referrals.

There is no way to know how many referrals you have had until you reach 150 credits and get your account closed for having too many referrals. I emailed to ask how many referrals I had, and had my account closed without even reaching 150 credits. If there was anything else wrong with my account, I don’t know it for sure; ezlaptop.com wouldn’t tell me. They just closed my account.

I have done nothing but try to promote a positive reputation for ezlaptop.com in the past, but they had never done anything wrong to me before. Now they have shown that not only are they uninterested in having a positive relationship with their customers, but they are looking for any chance they can get to close people’s accounts.

I will be emailing this message to everyone who has commented here.


Original message follows:

Yes, it’s true, I am sometimes a schmuck.

For instance, right after buying my novel, Zoe linked me to ezlaptop.com, as an option to try to replace my broken laptop for $5.


I get hundreds of SPAM every day. Actually, I also click through quite a few of them every day because they are funny or actually offer something I am interested in, usually to find that the links are bad, and no, I can’t get my allergies enlarged or get debt reduction without a prescription. Sigh.


So, for a $5 signup fee (this is like buying 5 lottery tickets, right? It’s a gamble) and 1, 2, or 3 emails a week (I opted for three, what the heck), each of which contains a link that must be followed in order to earn ‘credits’ (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 credits per link), once I ‘earn’ enough ‘credits’ (150 right now, but their TOS says they can change that at any time without notice), they’ll just ship me a free VAIO laptop. Wheee!


Now, if they don’t close up shop and run off with my $5 before then, I’ll go ahead and advertise my book through them; their rates are reasonable, and I know people will click through. Anyone else can recommend some ‘captive audience’ ad click-through ‘services’ … preferably those that have already been verified are not scams… that I could advertise Lost and Not Found via? I’d like to get the word out to as many people as possible, when the time comes.

And now, to sleep, for in the morning I must wake early to do some hard labor before a day of retail followed by a little more hard labor. Happy birthday to me!


(Seriously, click the banner and gamble your $5. Everyone who signs up from my banner gets me 2 extra ‘credits’. It’ll be like a little mini birthday present for me, that might turn out to be worth a laptop, if they find enough advertisers and you can stomach clicking through their links three times a week.)

Published by


Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

328 thoughts on “ezlaptop.com is a schmuck”

  1. Is anyone pursuing a class action lawsuit against ezlaptop.net? They breach their own terms.. i still haven’t received any ads.. just an ad for the ezlaptop guy to make money on some other site.

  2. Is anyone pursuing a class action lawsuit against ezlaptop.net? They breach their own terms.. i still haven’t received any ads.. just an ad for the ezlaptop guy to make money on some other site.

  3. Only 2 credits remaining for me, I use a dial up internet so my IP always stays the same so I know that he can’t get me there, I never gave my link to anybody so I know for sure that I have no referrals so he can’t get me there either. I’m sure though that my credits will be reset just like everybody else who reached 150 recently. Guess I’ll have to wait and see with the next newsletter….

  4. Only 2 credits remaining for me, I use a dial up internet so my IP always stays the same so I know that he can’t get me there, I never gave my link to anybody so I know for sure that I have no referrals so he can’t get me there either. I’m sure though that my credits will be reset just like everybody else who reached 150 recently. Guess I’ll have to wait and see with the next newsletter….

  5. Hey jake11
    your credits only reset to zero after you follow the withdraw link, so maybe you should email him some question before proceeding and see what kind of response you get if you get a response,
    what was you referral number without giving out exactly but approx or between a range of numbers, cause you wouldnt want it to get out now, must have been a low one anyway good luck.

  6. Hey jake11
    your credits only reset to zero after you follow the withdraw link, so maybe you should email him some question before proceeding and see what kind of response you get if you get a response,
    what was you referral number without giving out exactly but approx or between a range of numbers, cause you wouldnt want it to get out now, must have been a low one anyway good luck.

  7. My referral number was 20 and I made sure to make a copy of that page before attempting to “request my laptop”, I even emailed it to him to show that I made it. I know he’ll accuse me of cheating but my Paypal record says that I paid him on 8-28-03, that’s quite awhile and had I been cheating, I would’ve reached 150 in no time. Can’t wait to see what this scammer has to say, I’ll make sure to make a big scene and pester him as much as possible, hopefully I can at least get my $5.00 back, lol.

  8. My referral number was 20 and I made sure to make a copy of that page before attempting to “request my laptop”, I even emailed it to him to show that I made it. I know he’ll accuse me of cheating but my Paypal record says that I paid him on 8-28-03, that’s quite awhile and had I been cheating, I would’ve reached 150 in no time. Can’t wait to see what this scammer has to say, I’ll make sure to make a big scene and pester him as much as possible, hopefully I can at least get my $5.00 back, lol.

  9. Hey Jake.
    make sure you update us on your progress I am very interested to hear what happens and how long it takes to get an answer to your email.
    we are all waiting to hear from you.

  10. Hey Jake.
    make sure you update us on your progress I am very interested to hear what happens and how long it takes to get an answer to your email.
    we are all waiting to hear from you.

  11. Anyone else having MySQL problems with the website?

    Does anyone think that a laptop will ever emerge from this mess?

  12. Anyone else having MySQL problems with the website?

    Does anyone think that a laptop will ever emerge from this mess?

  13. Hey Jake11

    I’m a little confused. You said that you never gave out your link so there should be no referrals, but then in a later post you said your referral number was 20. Did you end up giving out your link after all, or if not, how did you end up with 20 referrals? I’m interested in how this will be explained.

  14. Hey Jake11

    I’m a little confused. You said that you never gave out your link so there should be no referrals, but then in a later post you said your referral number was 20. Did you end up giving out your link after all, or if not, how did you end up with 20 referrals? I’m interested in how this will be explained.

  15. No, I didn’t mean that I had 20 referrals, I meant that I was the 20th member to sign up, I never did give my link out. What I meant with 20 was that my referral link had a 20 on the end meaning that I was member number 20. So far, I’ve been ignored in my emails requesting a laptop and my user information from the site has been deleted. I now believe that this truly is a big scam, and its not just big, its HUGE! This person has tons of stolen money, I’m pushing to a least get my $5.00 back.

  16. No, I didn’t mean that I had 20 referrals, I meant that I was the 20th member to sign up, I never did give my link out. What I meant with 20 was that my referral link had a 20 on the end meaning that I was member number 20. So far, I’ve been ignored in my emails requesting a laptop and my user information from the site has been deleted. I now believe that this truly is a big scam, and its not just big, its HUGE! This person has tons of stolen money, I’m pushing to a least get my $5.00 back.

  17. Sorry about the misunderstanding jake. I understand now. Keep us posted. I think we’re all curious as to how this will turn out and how this joker will try to explain your exclusion.

  18. Sorry about the misunderstanding jake. I understand now. Keep us posted. I think we’re all curious as to how this will turn out and how this joker will try to explain your exclusion.

  19. Hi Jake.
    I’m at ezlaptop for 4 months now and before I singned in I read carefully their “Terms of Service” and since then till now they say clearly “A customer is not allowed to refer more than 10 other customers. This is to ensure that customers will not earn all their credits in referrals. Accounts caught referring over 10 members will be suspended or terminated.”
    So, ok, that is not the point…

  20. Hi Jake.
    I’m at ezlaptop for 4 months now and before I singned in I read carefully their “Terms of Service” and since then till now they say clearly “A customer is not allowed to refer more than 10 other customers. This is to ensure that customers will not earn all their credits in referrals. Accounts caught referring over 10 members will be suspended or terminated.”
    So, ok, that is not the point…

  21. ezlaptop.net

    They changed their website address awhile ago to .net, and both seemt o work now. Hmmm.

    So- anyone gottent heir laptop yet? I have 70 credits left. And maybe 2-3 referrals, if.

    ANYONE get their laptop, or more news?

  22. ezlaptop.net

    They changed their website address awhile ago to .net, and both seemt o work now. Hmmm.

    So- anyone gottent heir laptop yet? I have 70 credits left. And maybe 2-3 referrals, if.

    ANYONE get their laptop, or more news?

  23. Unfortunately for me, I signed up too… and then I found this site.

    the next day my account was already deleted. I can no longer log in which doesn’t make sense since I haven’t started yet. I haven’t referred anyone. I haven’t even recieved a single email ad from them. I emailed them and got no replies so I reported them to Paypal and they gave me my $5 back.

    Here is their info in Paypal:

    Seller’s Name: Aaron Martinez
    Seller’s Email: ezlaptopdotnet@aol.com
    Domain name registration for ezlaptop.com:

    Rick Beck
    7246 E. Cord Rd.
    Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

    Registerred through: GoDaddy.com
    Domain name: EZLAPTOP.COM
    Created on: 20-Feb-04
    Expires on: 14-Jul-05

    Admin/Tech Contact:
    Beck, Rick webmaster@ezlaptop.net
    Ezlaptop.net’s domain registration is blocked

  24. Unfortunately for me, I signed up too… and then I found this site.

    the next day my account was already deleted. I can no longer log in which doesn’t make sense since I haven’t started yet. I haven’t referred anyone. I haven’t even recieved a single email ad from them. I emailed them and got no replies so I reported them to Paypal and they gave me my $5 back.

    Here is their info in Paypal:

    Seller’s Name: Aaron Martinez
    Seller’s Email: ezlaptopdotnet@aol.com
    Domain name registration for ezlaptop.com:

    Rick Beck
    7246 E. Cord Rd.
    Cloquet, Minnesota 55720

    Registerred through: GoDaddy.com
    Domain name: EZLAPTOP.COM
    Created on: 20-Feb-04
    Expires on: 14-Jul-05

    Admin/Tech Contact:
    Beck, Rick webmaster@ezlaptop.net
    Ezlaptop.net’s domain registration is blocked

  25. I signed up (what a dumbass). As far as I can tell this is a scam. e-mailed them, threatened some class action lawsuit shit, five minutes later got $5 in my paypal account. I suggest everybody do the same unless they are very close and feel they will actually get a laptop.

  26. I signed up (what a dumbass). As far as I can tell this is a scam. e-mailed them, threatened some class action lawsuit shit, five minutes later got $5 in my paypal account. I suggest everybody do the same unless they are very close and feel they will actually get a laptop.

  27. EZLAPTOP.net seems to truly be a scam. The site is down and it’s been weeks since i got a email. I finally got one and it reads something like this:

    Mary, Harry, quite contrary

    How does your garden grow?

    That was from noreply@noreply.com SO obviously it is truly a hoax. Guy’s probably rolling in it at this point and he’s finally thumbed his nose at everyone and pulled out.

  28. EZLAPTOP.net seems to truly be a scam. The site is down and it’s been weeks since i got a email. I finally got one and it reads something like this:

    Mary, Harry, quite contrary

    How does your garden grow?

    That was from noreply@noreply.com SO obviously it is truly a hoax. Guy’s probably rolling in it at this point and he’s finally thumbed his nose at everyone and pulled out.

  29. Well, the site seems to be back up again. Anyways have anyone heard anything from jake11? I remember he was 2 credits away from getting his laptop but haven

  30. Well, the site seems to be back up again. Anyways have anyone heard anything from jake11? I remember he was 2 credits away from getting his laptop but haven

  31. a friend sent me an email saying you can get a laptop for free on the ezlaptop. I went on and registered, then read this site. I emailed him back saying that this is dodgy, but he said the laptop was there! 3 months it took! I said fair enough and he confirmed it was a sony vaio. So now im not too sure!!!!!

  32. a friend sent me an email saying you can get a laptop for free on the ezlaptop. I went on and registered, then read this site. I emailed him back saying that this is dodgy, but he said the laptop was there! 3 months it took! I said fair enough and he confirmed it was a sony vaio. So now im not too sure!!!!!

  33. Well, here is a copy of the letter I sent to our dear owner:

    Aaron Martinez, Rick Beck
    **** E. **** Rd.
    *******, MN *****

    Much has come to my attention concerning your ezlaptop.net program. I am not a subscriber, and I will not become one, as that would be a conflict of interests. I am now representing one of my close friends, and will shortly be representing 17 of his online friends that he made from a message board with the topic of ezlaptop.com. Fortunately for you, I will not be investing a great deal of time in this case, as it’s rather frivolous, but unfortunately for you, I don’t need to spend much time discerning a fraudulent operation. A minimal amount of time is needed to shut down your operation, a moderate amount is needed to prosecute. I will not be trying to recover any funds, I’m sitting on $90 of assets of those I represent. What I am going to recover is a full, and honest explanation of your operation. If you cooperate, I will pass the explanation on to those I represent. If you do not cooperate, I will follow a course of action that will result in much sorry on your end. I’m not sure who taught you how to create a legal agreement, because there are numerous legal conflicts, flaws, and illegal biding contract agreements in the “terms of service” you have currently displayer as of today, Friday March 26th, 2004. While it is true that all your users agreed to them, any court would find it non binding, and that it would need to be re-written in accordance with state and federal laws. If it was not properly re-written, and most likely notarized, you would be forced to shut down your operation completely, and most likely compensate all those who signed up under that current agreement (Those who signed up under a previous agreement would not fall into the pot of those being compensated). Changing it now will not create and escape either, because the contract has now been legally documented by myself, and the corrections notarized by my law partner, and two of our associates.
    Now, as far as what I want. Just some basic statistics for now. Remember, what you tell me will be recorded, and will be upheld in a court of law under perjury. And of course you are by NO means required to give any information to me whatsoever, but by doing so, you will receive my full attention, and I will, albeit in my spare time, follow through on various TOS violations that you have committed, and other copyright violations as well (such as unauthorized use of copyrighted material on your website). Again, changing your site at any time after the point of receiving this letter will not change the fact that violations were committed, and again, I have fully documented their use and have complete records.
    I would like to know how many current account you have. I would like to know how many total accounts you have activated. I will also shortly be requesting the number of sponsors you are advertising/ have advertised for (I don’t need that right now, but please prepare that information, for it will be more than necessary if I need to pursue legal action due to your non compliance) I need the total length that you have been running (basically when your very first client signed up). and most importantly, I need the number of laptops you have actually mailed out. I need the make and model of each unit, and the amount you paid for them. I need the date of purchase for each unit, and I need the date you shipped each unit. One bit of information that will help your credibility greatly is to pass on my e-mail address to those users who have received them, and ask that they might e-mail me to give a testimony of their receipt of said units. This will be fully optional on their part, but I am sure that they would gladly help out the man who gave them a $5 laptop. Information I will also need is the number of user account terminated… and for each terminated account, I will need the date they were opened, and the date they were terminated. I will need the reason they were terminated, and the balance of points that their account had accrued at time of termination. Also I will need the number of people referred by each terminated user.
    I thank you for your time, and I assure you that being fully honest will satisfy the wrath of my clients, and that I will personally take no legal action. Please keep in mind that I have been practicing law longer than you can imagine, and following through with this case will not cost my firm anything, just my time, which is not given because I want to follow through with you and your company, but it is time given to my close friend, whom has been offended by you. I make no accusation, nor threats, just promises to follow through, and I never break a promise. And as a side note, I am using my “junk mail” e-mail address as this case is not as of yet being represented by my firm, if legal action is taken you will be properly addressed through my business e-mail.
    With best regards,
    -Thomas H. Anderson, J.D.

  34. Well, here is a copy of the letter I sent to our dear owner:

    Aaron Martinez, Rick Beck
    **** E. **** Rd.
    *******, MN *****

    Much has come to my attention concerning your ezlaptop.net program. I am not a subscriber, and I will not become one, as that would be a conflict of interests. I am now representing one of my close friends, and will shortly be representing 17 of his online friends that he made from a message board with the topic of ezlaptop.com. Fortunately for you, I will not be investing a great deal of time in this case, as it’s rather frivolous, but unfortunately for you, I don’t need to spend much time discerning a fraudulent operation. A minimal amount of time is needed to shut down your operation, a moderate amount is needed to prosecute. I will not be trying to recover any funds, I’m sitting on $90 of assets of those I represent. What I am going to recover is a full, and honest explanation of your operation. If you cooperate, I will pass the explanation on to those I represent. If you do not cooperate, I will follow a course of action that will result in much sorry on your end. I’m not sure who taught you how to create a legal agreement, because there are numerous legal conflicts, flaws, and illegal biding contract agreements in the “terms of service” you have currently displayer as of today, Friday March 26th, 2004. While it is true that all your users agreed to them, any court would find it non binding, and that it would need to be re-written in accordance with state and federal laws. If it was not properly re-written, and most likely notarized, you would be forced to shut down your operation completely, and most likely compensate all those who signed up under that current agreement (Those who signed up under a previous agreement would not fall into the pot of those being compensated). Changing it now will not create and escape either, because the contract has now been legally documented by myself, and the corrections notarized by my law partner, and two of our associates.
    Now, as far as what I want. Just some basic statistics for now. Remember, what you tell me will be recorded, and will be upheld in a court of law under perjury. And of course you are by NO means required to give any information to me whatsoever, but by doing so, you will receive my full attention, and I will, albeit in my spare time, follow through on various TOS violations that you have committed, and other copyright violations as well (such as unauthorized use of copyrighted material on your website). Again, changing your site at any time after the point of receiving this letter will not change the fact that violations were committed, and again, I have fully documented their use and have complete records.
    I would like to know how many current account you have. I would like to know how many total accounts you have activated. I will also shortly be requesting the number of sponsors you are advertising/ have advertised for (I don’t need that right now, but please prepare that information, for it will be more than necessary if I need to pursue legal action due to your non compliance) I need the total length that you have been running (basically when your very first client signed up). and most importantly, I need the number of laptops you have actually mailed out. I need the make and model of each unit, and the amount you paid for them. I need the date of purchase for each unit, and I need the date you shipped each unit. One bit of information that will help your credibility greatly is to pass on my e-mail address to those users who have received them, and ask that they might e-mail me to give a testimony of their receipt of said units. This will be fully optional on their part, but I am sure that they would gladly help out the man who gave them a $5 laptop. Information I will also need is the number of user account terminated… and for each terminated account, I will need the date they were opened, and the date they were terminated. I will need the reason they were terminated, and the balance of points that their account had accrued at time of termination. Also I will need the number of people referred by each terminated user.
    I thank you for your time, and I assure you that being fully honest will satisfy the wrath of my clients, and that I will personally take no legal action. Please keep in mind that I have been practicing law longer than you can imagine, and following through with this case will not cost my firm anything, just my time, which is not given because I want to follow through with you and your company, but it is time given to my close friend, whom has been offended by you. I make no accusation, nor threats, just promises to follow through, and I never break a promise. And as a side note, I am using my “junk mail” e-mail address as this case is not as of yet being represented by my firm, if legal action is taken you will be properly addressed through my business e-mail.
    With best regards,
    -Thomas H. Anderson, J.D.

  35. You guys may have saved me $5. I was looking around the net, waiting for my paypal to clear my money, and I found this site. The last post should be very interesting to follow.

  36. You guys may have saved me $5. I was looking around the net, waiting for my paypal to clear my money, and I found this site. The last post should be very interesting to follow.

  37. I still haven’t heard back from them yet, I’ve been extremely busy lately and really haven’t had the time to care about it, since I probably won’t get anything out of this whole ordeal anyway. What is everyone else doing? It sickens me to find ebay auctions for this site and to see their counter on their homepage over 1,000,000. I really have nothing else to say rather than this is one big scam and wish that everybody would believe the ones who have made it to 150 credits, not the site owner who accuses everybody of cheating. People are so ignorant about this site, believe me, if it sounds way too good to be true, it is. I sure wish I had someone to take legal action against him for me, I’ll take my $5.00 back, sure its not a whole lot but it really adds up when you have over 12,000 members. Reply back to me if you still think this site is worth your time.

  38. I still haven’t heard back from them yet, I’ve been extremely busy lately and really haven’t had the time to care about it, since I probably won’t get anything out of this whole ordeal anyway. What is everyone else doing? It sickens me to find ebay auctions for this site and to see their counter on their homepage over 1,000,000. I really have nothing else to say rather than this is one big scam and wish that everybody would believe the ones who have made it to 150 credits, not the site owner who accuses everybody of cheating. People are so ignorant about this site, believe me, if it sounds way too good to be true, it is. I sure wish I had someone to take legal action against him for me, I’ll take my $5.00 back, sure its not a whole lot but it really adds up when you have over 12,000 members. Reply back to me if you still think this site is worth your time.

  39. Guess what? I had just sent ezlaptop.net another email, not a very nice one either, and I woke up this morning and got a $5.00 refund. Sure, its not a laptop but it takes some money from him, I urge the rest of you ezlaptop members to do the same, demand a refund before you’re accused of cheating. Looks like I’m finished with them for good.

  40. Guess what? I had just sent ezlaptop.net another email, not a very nice one either, and I woke up this morning and got a $5.00 refund. Sure, its not a laptop but it takes some money from him, I urge the rest of you ezlaptop members to do the same, demand a refund before you’re accused of cheating. Looks like I’m finished with them for good.

  41. Thomas was there any response from them?
    wish I found this sooner :

    what did you guys specifically say in your emails to get your money back?

  42. Thomas was there any response from them?
    wish I found this sooner :\

    what did you guys specifically say in your emails to get your money back?

  43. Very interesting, not one single lap top documented as being sent anywhere. This can’t be anything other than a scam/fraud IMO.

    The fact that they refund money in short order after being threatened legally is pretty telling. From reading through this thread… I think their TOS reads there will be NO REFUNDS…. interesting. Maybe they should change it to read, no refunds but if you catch onto our little scam we will PayPal you ASAP!!!! 😉

    Interntet fraud, welcome to the dawn of a new time. You can take a persons money and never even have to look them in the eye. I hope the Nigerians don’t catch onto this sort of thing, then they would have something better than the help me get my 30 million dollar stories.

  44. Very interesting, not one single lap top documented as being sent anywhere. This can’t be anything other than a scam/fraud IMO.

    The fact that they refund money in short order after being threatened legally is pretty telling. From reading through this thread… I think their TOS reads there will be NO REFUNDS…. interesting. Maybe they should change it to read, no refunds but if you catch onto our little scam we will PayPal you ASAP!!!! 😉

    Interntet fraud, welcome to the dawn of a new time. You can take a persons money and never even have to look them in the eye. I hope the Nigerians don’t catch onto this sort of thing, then they would have something better than the help me get my 30 million dollar stories.

  45. I found this today thought someone migtht be interested.

    The scam artist (CC:ed on this posting) behind the original mother ship web
    > > site ezlaptop.com is currently nuked by GoDaddy, so he went to another
    > > registar to get another anonymized site.
    > >
    > > For the permanent Google archives, here is his contact details after
    > > Domains By Proxy dropped the cloak of anonymity on him, but before GoDaddy
    > > nuked his sorry ass:
    > >
    > > Registrant:
    > > Rick Beck
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > >
    > > Registered through: GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com)
    > > Domain Name: EZLAPTOP.COM
    > > Created on: 14-Jul-03
    > > Expires on: 14-Jul-05
    > > Last Updated on: 26-Jan-04
    > >
    > > Administrative Contact:
    > > Beck, Richard PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > > 2188793560
    > > Technical Contact:
    > > Beck, Richard PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > > 2188793560
    > >
    > > Domain servers in listed order:
    > >
    > > That phone number also appears on this web site:
    > > http://www.d.umn.edu/depts/pdfs/students.pdf
    > >
    > > University of Minnesota – Duluth
    > >
    > > BECK Laura Ellen SBE ……………………….. 218-879-3560
    > > 7246 East Cord Road Cloquet MN 55720
    > > beck0706@d.umn.edu
    > SBE = School of Business and Economics
    > > Daughter? Wife? Mother?
    > – How about sister?
    > I found another listing with his name on it.
    > Richard Beck,
    > (218) 879-3560,
    > 7246 E Cord Rd, Cloquet, MN 55720
    > > http://www.zeropaid.com/bbs/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=110755
    > >
    > > Additional Info about PowerMan57two
    > > Biography I like movies, and hanging with my friends!
    > > Location Minnesota
    > > Interests movies, games, and downloading!
    > > Occupation K-12 Student
    > Cloquet, Minnesota
    > http://www.city-data.com/city/Cloquet-Minnesota.html
    > ============
    > ICQ#: 153393044
    > First Name: Rick
    > Last Name: Beck
    > Nickname: PowerMan572
    > Gender: Male
    > Birth Date: 27-feb-1987
    > Age: 17
    > Languages: English
    > E-mail: PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > Country: USA
    > Zip Code: 55720
    > About Me: Download Music For FREE At www. Blubster.com over
    > 1, 200, 000 songs online at once! biggest song
    > collection ever! download free music off of Blubster!
    > Art: Choreography,Computer Generated,Music
    > Computers: Games, Music Software, Operating System, Web Design,
    > Windows
    > Games: Action Games, Adventures and Quests, Online Games
    > Sporting and Athletic: Bikes,Fitness Machines,Sports Videos
    > ICQ#: 151459321
    > First Name: Rick
    > Last Name: Beck
    > Nickname: PowerMan572
    > Gender: Not Specified
    > E-mail: PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > ==============
    > Interestingly, one of the databases gave the name:
    > Richard C. Beck – age 47
    > What I think is going on here is that PowerMan572 is the
    > seventeen year old son.

  46. I found this today thought someone migtht be interested.

    The scam artist (CC:ed on this posting) behind the original mother ship web
    > > site ezlaptop.com is currently nuked by GoDaddy, so he went to another
    > > registar to get another anonymized site.
    > >
    > > For the permanent Google archives, here is his contact details after
    > > Domains By Proxy dropped the cloak of anonymity on him, but before GoDaddy
    > > nuked his sorry ass:
    > >
    > > Registrant:
    > > Rick Beck
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > >
    > > Registered through: GoDaddy.com (http://www.godaddy.com)
    > > Domain Name: EZLAPTOP.COM
    > > Created on: 14-Jul-03
    > > Expires on: 14-Jul-05
    > > Last Updated on: 26-Jan-04
    > >
    > > Administrative Contact:
    > > Beck, Richard PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > > 2188793560
    > > Technical Contact:
    > > Beck, Richard PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > > 7246 East Cord Road
    > > Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
    > > United States
    > > 2188793560
    > >
    > > Domain servers in listed order:
    > >
    > > That phone number also appears on this web site:
    > > http://www.d.umn.edu/depts/pdfs/students.pdf
    > >
    > > University of Minnesota – Duluth
    > >
    > > BECK Laura Ellen SBE ……………………….. 218-879-3560
    > > 7246 East Cord Road Cloquet MN 55720
    > > beck0706@d.umn.edu
    > SBE = School of Business and Economics
    > > Daughter? Wife? Mother?
    > – How about sister?
    > I found another listing with his name on it.
    > Richard Beck,
    > (218) 879-3560,
    > 7246 E Cord Rd, Cloquet, MN 55720
    > > http://www.zeropaid.com/bbs/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=110755
    > >
    > > Additional Info about PowerMan57two
    > > Biography I like movies, and hanging with my friends!
    > > Location Minnesota
    > > Interests movies, games, and downloading!
    > > Occupation K-12 Student
    > Cloquet, Minnesota
    > http://www.city-data.com/city/Cloquet-Minnesota.html
    > ============
    > ICQ#: 153393044
    > First Name: Rick
    > Last Name: Beck
    > Nickname: PowerMan572
    > Gender: Male
    > Birth Date: 27-feb-1987
    > Age: 17
    > Languages: English
    > E-mail: PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > Country: USA
    > Zip Code: 55720
    > About Me: Download Music For FREE At www. Blubster.com over
    > 1, 200, 000 songs online at once! biggest song
    > collection ever! download free music off of Blubster!
    > Art: Choreography,Computer Generated,Music
    > Computers: Games, Music Software, Operating System, Web Design,
    > Windows
    > Games: Action Games, Adventures and Quests, Online Games
    > Sporting and Athletic: Bikes,Fitness Machines,Sports Videos
    > ICQ#: 151459321
    > First Name: Rick
    > Last Name: Beck
    > Nickname: PowerMan572
    > Gender: Not Specified
    > E-mail: PowerMan572@hotmail.com
    > ==============
    > Interestingly, one of the databases gave the name:
    > Richard C. Beck – age 47
    > What I think is going on here is that PowerMan572 is the
    > seventeen year old son.

Comments are closed.