Fun with steel

Today, while working with … huge steel trusses … moving them from one place to another (shuffling, always shuffling), there was a little error which resulted in one of them falling over … while I was standing in its path. Which was quite unsettling. If I had moved one step in any direction, I would surely have been crushed beneath it, breaking an arm, a leg, and if I had moved in the most obvious direction, it would have landed on my head with thousands of pounds of pressure. Hooray for escaping death! It came close enough that it knocked my hat off my head.

I uhh… I walked immediately away to try to calm down. That almost worked.

Other than that, we didn’t get a single thing done that we intended to do today, and didn’t finish the job we were trying to do instead. So, yeah. I’m back in Phoenix again. Will be here … a while. Tomorrow back in Pine during the day, but then in Phoenix through Christmas… and I don’t know what after that. Dentist appointment the morning of the 24th; I’m getting clean teeth for Christmas.

More later.

UPDATE: Here’s a snapshot showing what we were working with today. That’s my dad riding the truss (the chain to the forklift, while holding it up, is not at a balance point, so he’s holding this end down), and that’s me using a rope to try to steer it.

Big Steel

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Fun with steel”

  1. Maybe they will have some nice Highlights magazines at the dentist’s office, or something.

    Steel sure sounds dangerous. Maybe you should use something else to build with, like bubbles, or silly string.

  2. Maybe they will have some nice Highlights magazines at the dentist’s office, or something.

    Steel sure sounds dangerous. Maybe you should use something else to build with, like bubbles, or silly string.

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