Okay, I guess I wasn’t paying attention when I cashed my Unemployment check this week, and I can’t find the stub around here to verify that I should have know this before today, but I’m no longer on Unemployment Insurance Benefits. Last week’s check was the last check. I’m not eligible for Unemployment benefits again until 11/2/03 at the earliest, but I’d have to hold a job between now and then and get laid off again… and I’m not planning on getting another government-recognized, working-for-the-man job. Ever again, if I can avoid it. So, last week I was still officially ‘Unemployed’, but this week, I’m definitely, seriously ‘Retired’.
I have this Art ‘hobby’ that I sure hope turns profitable soon, and I seem to be kept time-and-a-half busy around here doing jobs for and with my grandparents, but I’m at least as retired as they are. Well, maybe I’m sorta living off their retirement….
Maybe ‘retired’ isn’t exactly the right word… but when is the “right word” ever the right word to describe me?
I’m not working as far as the gov’t is concerned, and haven’t been since 10/2/2002. And unless something big changes for me, I hope never again to be working (as far as the gov’t is concerned). When I live another hundred years, it’ll be the most not-officially-working century I can muster.
(Though hopefully this little painting hobby of mine will take off before then.)
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.
Apply for an extention! The office is in the Bashas plaza in Payson. Bush wants to help you.