So, I was going to sit here and make a quick post about batteries from the future, when I saw that this would by my 500th post on FYTH.
500 Posts. That’s quite a few, eh? That’s since May, 2001. I wish I’d started sooner.
Anyway, I was cleaning up, and came across my old SuperToy Teddy (see AI). I picked him up and gave him a hug, but he appeared to be malfunctioning. He couldn’t move his arms or legs, and his voice came out in short, indecipherable bursts and stutters. I opened up his rear maintenance panel to see if his batteries needed replacing, and I found that the brand of batteries prefered by the makers of this cybernetic SuperToy are “Super Vinnic” Zinc Chloride batteries.
At first I mis-read it, because the font they chose makes it easy to see “Super Vinnie” as the type of battery, and that’s something funny to post about. Super Vinnic isn’t so funny, but after some research I found that the company in Hong Kong that produces the Super Vinnic batteries sells them for about US$0.07 apiece. Admittedly, I’d have to buy around 43k batteries to get this price, but that’s much, much cheaper than any AA batteries I’ve bought recently. AND, that’s one of the more expensive AA batteries coming out of Hong Kong. Because Zinc Chloride batteries are environmentally friendly, and a new technology.
Okay. I’ll stop writing about batteries now. Maybe post 501 will be more interesting.
So don’t you still need a job? Why don’t you just sell batteries? 🙂
So don’t you still need a job? Why don’t you just sell batteries? 🙂
Where did you go to find out how to purchase these batteries I can’t seem to find them anywhere on line for sale, and I also haven’t seen them in the stores. Thanks so much.
Where did you go to find out how to purchase these batteries I can’t seem to find them anywhere on line for sale, and I also haven’t seen them in the stores. Thanks so much.