I was a teenager the last time I started a relationship with someone. In fact, I believe I was a teenager the last time I got dumped. It was all so different then. I remember the beginning was the best time. So fast, so passionate. You met and you knew right away there was a special connection, maybe you thought you were in love, but it was fast, and you were ‘going out’, a couple right away. Spending so much time together. Happy. The whole of the other person was so new to you that it was a constant discovery just to be with them, and you were so happy to be discovering someone you had such a connection with. There were no jobs or responsibilities or emotional baggage to get in the way, so every hour you didn’t hear from them was too long and every day you didn’t see them was torture. The unspeakable distance of an entire week could mean everything was over; it was all so compressed in time and the future was something you dreamed of, not something you planned for.
I haven’t had anything else. I’ve tried now and again, and I may have actually succeeded a little, here and there, but … I’m not sure I know what I’m looking for anymore when I scour my memory. There certainly hasn’t been that beginning, so close to someone and so passionate as we explore each other with wild abandon. Could there have been a middle without a beginning? I remember faces that I feel the same way about now as a couple of those who had beginnings, middles, and ends, but for whom I can remember no such delineations today.
When you’re a teenager, everything just comes to you. You haven’t started living yet, though most teenagers think they have. You see a pretty face, you say hello, it all just went so easily from there back then. Now I see a pretty face, I saw hello, and I don’t know what’s supposed to come next. I’ve tried being brief, I’ve tried mysterious, long-winded, deeply personal, secretive, coy, charming, sweet, and everything else I know how to be. I’ve said right out that I want to see them again, I’ve tried just implying it, I’ve tried saying less and tried saying more, and I can’t get where I want to be.
I’m not sure, but I think I’m still expecting that passionate beginning. Maybe it isn’t coming. Maybe I’ve missed out on opporunities to be with some wonderful people because I don’t know what to look for. Because I expect too much. Because I expect anything at all.
I don’t know how people get together after High School. I know they get together, I just don’t know how it begins. What should I do? What should I expect? How much is too much? How much is too little? How often is too often to expect to hear from someone? Where do I cross the line from interested to obsessed? How can you tell the interested from the feigning? Who’s just tolerating me, and who actually wants to hear the next thing I have to say?
Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?
How can I get from meeting someone to that point of pleasure together? What are the steps, and how many? It isn’t like when we were teenagers anymore. I seem to have lost my way.
How you find what you want in a relationship, ie. the person that can give you what you want, depends on what you want. I assume you want to find someone who you can spend the rest of your life with in as close to a ‘perfect fantasy relationship’ as we all hope is possible. My experience and that of people I have known throught the years says that there is one most sucessfull way to do this. Become friends first. If you find someone who meets the general criteria of the kind of person you believe you want for a mate then see if you can be friends. Friendship is the best basis for a good lasting relationship. Love, Lust, desperation, etc. will not continue very long in relationship without a strong friendship. Well desperation will be there but that is allways a negative.
From friendship everything else can grow; love, like, sexual fullfillment, relational satisfaction, etc. Without friendship the others, which can drive us till they are used up, don’t provide us with the whole/compleate relationship we are looking for.
For a Christian the warning is clear. If you chose someone who does not believe in the love of God. Who has not admitted that He needs to be a part of their life. Who has not realized that they were wrong when they decided they should run their own lives and don’t need Gods’ help. Who has have never accepted the forgiveness God has provided for ‘dissing’ Him. Which He did when He had Jesus serve our sentence of being seperated from him, which is what we say we wanted when we live our without Him. That person does not have the spirit of God living in him. God sends a part of Himself to live within us as a guarantee of our forgiveness, and to help us deal with the difficulties of our lives. If you marry someone who has not ask Gods’ forgiveness, been forgiven and recieved His Spirit then the two of you can never be ‘on the same wavelength’. You will not live in harmony because you both will be driven by different internal desires.
My advice is look in places where you would want your wife to spend time finding/making friends. Friends make the best mates.
How you find what you want in a relationship, ie. the person that can give you what you want, depends on what you want. I assume you want to find someone who you can spend the rest of your life with in as close to a ‘perfect fantasy relationship’ as we all hope is possible. My experience and that of people I have known throught the years says that there is one most sucessfull way to do this. Become friends first. If you find someone who meets the general criteria of the kind of person you believe you want for a mate then see if you can be friends. Friendship is the best basis for a good lasting relationship. Love, Lust, desperation, etc. will not continue very long in relationship without a strong friendship. Well desperation will be there but that is allways a negative.
From friendship everything else can grow; love, like, sexual fullfillment, relational satisfaction, etc. Without friendship the others, which can drive us till they are used up, don’t provide us with the whole/compleate relationship we are looking for.
For a Christian the warning is clear. If you chose someone who does not believe in the love of God. Who has not admitted that He needs to be a part of their life. Who has not realized that they were wrong when they decided they should run their own lives and don’t need Gods’ help. Who has have never accepted the forgiveness God has provided for ‘dissing’ Him. Which He did when He had Jesus serve our sentence of being seperated from him, which is what we say we wanted when we live our without Him. That person does not have the spirit of God living in him. God sends a part of Himself to live within us as a guarantee of our forgiveness, and to help us deal with the difficulties of our lives. If you marry someone who has not ask Gods’ forgiveness, been forgiven and recieved His Spirit then the two of you can never be ‘on the same wavelength’. You will not live in harmony because you both will be driven by different internal desires.
My advice is look in places where you would want your wife to spend time finding/making friends. Friends make the best mates.
How you find what you want in a relationship, ie. the person that can give you what you want, depends on what you want. I assume you want to find someone who you can spend the rest of your life with in as close to a ‘perfect fantasy relationship’ as we all hope is possible. My experience and that of people I have known throught the years says that there is one most sucessfull way to do this. Become friends first. If you find someone who meets the general criteria of the kind of person you believe you want for a mate then see if you can be friends. Friendship is the best basis for a good lasting relationship. Love, Lust, desperation, etc. will not continue very long in relationship without a strong friendship. Well desperation will be there but that is allways a negative.
From friendship everything else can grow; love, like, sexual fullfillment, relational satisfaction, etc. Without friendship the others, which can drive us till they are used up, don’t provide us with the whole/compleate relationship we are looking for.
For a Christian the warning is clear. If you chose someone who does not believe in the love of God. Who has not admitted that He needs to be a part of their life. Who has not realized that they were wrong when they decided they should run their own lives and don’t need Gods’ help. Who has have never accepted the forgiveness God has provided for ‘dissing’ Him. Which He did when He had Jesus serve our sentence of being seperated from him, which is what we say we wanted when we live our without Him. That person does not have the spirit of God living in him. God sends a part of Himself to live within us as a guarantee of our forgiveness, and to help us deal with the difficulties of our lives. If you marry someone who has not ask Gods’ forgiveness, been forgiven and recieved His Spirit then the two of you can never be ‘on the same wavelength’. You will not live in harmony because you both will be driven by different internal desires.
My advice is look in places where you would want your wife to spend time finding/making friends. Friends make the best mates.
How you find what you want in a relationship, ie. the person that can give you what you want, depends on what you want. I assume you want to find someone who you can spend the rest of your life with in as close to a ‘perfect fantasy relationship’ as we all hope is possible. My experience and that of people I have known throught the years says that there is one most sucessfull way to do this. Become friends first. If you find someone who meets the general criteria of the kind of person you believe you want for a mate then see if you can be friends. Friendship is the best basis for a good lasting relationship. Love, Lust, desperation, etc. will not continue very long in relationship without a strong friendship. Well desperation will be there but that is allways a negative.
From friendship everything else can grow; love, like, sexual fullfillment, relational satisfaction, etc. Without friendship the others, which can drive us till they are used up, don’t provide us with the whole/compleate relationship we are looking for.
For a Christian the warning is clear. If you chose someone who does not believe in the love of God. Who has not admitted that He needs to be a part of their life. Who has not realized that they were wrong when they decided they should run their own lives and don’t need Gods’ help. Who has have never accepted the forgiveness God has provided for ‘dissing’ Him. Which He did when He had Jesus serve our sentence of being seperated from him, which is what we say we wanted when we live our without Him. That person does not have the spirit of God living in him. God sends a part of Himself to live within us as a guarantee of our forgiveness, and to help us deal with the difficulties of our lives. If you marry someone who has not ask Gods’ forgiveness, been forgiven and recieved His Spirit then the two of you can never be ‘on the same wavelength’. You will not live in harmony because you both will be driven by different internal desires.
My advice is look in places where you would want your wife to spend time finding/making friends. Friends make the best mates.
Your dad is right about the whole look where you would want your partner to hang out thing. Clubs, etc are not the right place to find a mate. Sounds like he’s angling for church, but he’s got the right idea. You know how desire works, in theory, better than any of us, you know how to apply it… And as most of us can attest, as you and I can from plenty of experience, when love is the last thing on your mind, that’s when it is presented to you. I think it’s Gods way of saying “I’ll give you what you want/need, but I’m doing it on my terms.” You, better than anyone else, knows how these things work, hon. Apply them to your life as much as you can, and you know how it will all turn out in the end.
Your dad is right about the whole look where you would want your partner to hang out thing. Clubs, etc are not the right place to find a mate. Sounds like he’s angling for church, but he’s got the right idea. You know how desire works, in theory, better than any of us, you know how to apply it… And as most of us can attest, as you and I can from plenty of experience, when love is the last thing on your mind, that’s when it is presented to you. I think it’s Gods way of saying “I’ll give you what you want/need, but I’m doing it on my terms.” You, better than anyone else, knows how these things work, hon. Apply them to your life as much as you can, and you know how it will all turn out in the end.
When I look back on my post highschool relationships there is a great diversety of how they started. Some of them were like raging fires, full of passion and lust and emotion. I dont think I am in contact with any of those people now. Then some of them were like rain in the desert, refreshing, soothing and full of force, I still maintain contact with a few of these. Then there is the one with amy. It started slow, since she was married when we met. But it moved like a glacier, slow, forcefull, deliberate. Its funny, both of us were fighting being in a relationship at the time, and resisting as hard as possible. Alot of our friends told us we were a couple before we admitted it to ourselves, we were just enjoying being friends.
But, I needed all of those previous relationships to prepare me for the one with amy. The relationships with the most longevity come from friendships first, but that does not negate the fiery month long relationships full of fire and spirit. Too many people are goal orientated, thinking that the start of every relationship should be “the one” that lasts for a lifetime. They are so focused on trying to make a broken relationship last that they forget to enjoy it. Dont try to out-think yourself, just enjoy the ride. I think thats what your biggest problem is teel, your trying for the long term relationship, yet you havent let yourself experiance enough short term ones. Stop trying to find “the one” and just enjoy the ride, life is what happens when your trying to figure it out.
When I look back on my post highschool relationships there is a great diversety of how they started. Some of them were like raging fires, full of passion and lust and emotion. I dont think I am in contact with any of those people now. Then some of them were like rain in the desert, refreshing, soothing and full of force, I still maintain contact with a few of these. Then there is the one with amy. It started slow, since she was married when we met. But it moved like a glacier, slow, forcefull, deliberate. Its funny, both of us were fighting being in a relationship at the time, and resisting as hard as possible. Alot of our friends told us we were a couple before we admitted it to ourselves, we were just enjoying being friends.
But, I needed all of those previous relationships to prepare me for the one with amy. The relationships with the most longevity come from friendships first, but that does not negate the fiery month long relationships full of fire and spirit. Too many people are goal orientated, thinking that the start of every relationship should be “the one” that lasts for a lifetime. They are so focused on trying to make a broken relationship last that they forget to enjoy it. Dont try to out-think yourself, just enjoy the ride. I think thats what your biggest problem is teel, your trying for the long term relationship, yet you havent let yourself experiance enough short term ones. Stop trying to find “the one” and just enjoy the ride, life is what happens when your trying to figure it out.
When I look back on my post highschool relationships there is a great diversety of how they started. Some of them were like raging fires, full of passion and lust and emotion. I dont think I am in contact with any of those people now. Then some of them were like rain in the desert, refreshing, soothing and full of force, I still maintain contact with a few of these. Then there is the one with amy. It started slow, since she was married when we met. But it moved like a glacier, slow, forcefull, deliberate. Its funny, both of us were fighting being in a relationship at the time, and resisting as hard as possible. Alot of our friends told us we were a couple before we admitted it to ourselves, we were just enjoying being friends.
But, I needed all of those previous relationships to prepare me for the one with amy. The relationships with the most longevity come from friendships first, but that does not negate the fiery month long relationships full of fire and spirit. Too many people are goal orientated, thinking that the start of every relationship should be “the one” that lasts for a lifetime. They are so focused on trying to make a broken relationship last that they forget to enjoy it. Dont try to out-think yourself, just enjoy the ride. I think thats what your biggest problem is teel, your trying for the long term relationship, yet you havent let yourself experiance enough short term ones. Stop trying to find “the one” and just enjoy the ride, life is what happens when your trying to figure it out.
When I look back on my post highschool relationships there is a great diversety of how they started. Some of them were like raging fires, full of passion and lust and emotion. I dont think I am in contact with any of those people now. Then some of them were like rain in the desert, refreshing, soothing and full of force, I still maintain contact with a few of these. Then there is the one with amy. It started slow, since she was married when we met. But it moved like a glacier, slow, forcefull, deliberate. Its funny, both of us were fighting being in a relationship at the time, and resisting as hard as possible. Alot of our friends told us we were a couple before we admitted it to ourselves, we were just enjoying being friends.
But, I needed all of those previous relationships to prepare me for the one with amy. The relationships with the most longevity come from friendships first, but that does not negate the fiery month long relationships full of fire and spirit. Too many people are goal orientated, thinking that the start of every relationship should be “the one” that lasts for a lifetime. They are so focused on trying to make a broken relationship last that they forget to enjoy it. Dont try to out-think yourself, just enjoy the ride. I think thats what your biggest problem is teel, your trying for the long term relationship, yet you havent let yourself experiance enough short term ones. Stop trying to find “the one” and just enjoy the ride, life is what happens when your trying to figure it out.
One problem with the idea of looking in places I would want my mate to spend time is that … I don’t know. I have tried hard to not attempt to fix an image in my mind of the characteristics that any future mate of mine would have. I don’t trust my own mind to be able to be adequate to determine that sort of thing independant of experiencing it. Just about the only thing I specify when imagining this perfect fantasy relationship for the rest of my life is the “for the rest of my life” part. Knowing the importance of friendship, I do what I can to not enter into any form of relationship with persons I do not believe I could be good, long friends with. Saves a lot of trouble, I think.
(Here’s an interesting thing: I wrote the above, then set down to think about how to talk about the next part, and woke up four hours later, after Zoe had commented.)
Another important consideration is that I’m not just looking for that perfect relationship. I’ve sort of got the idea of finding it sometime in the future built in to my general hopes for the future, but that’s not in any way my primary goal. I screwed up some pretty good potential for a year or two somewhere in the last 5 by taking an all or nothing, forever or never attitude towards relationships. I think I learned my lesson from that, and a big part of what I’m looking for in companionship is just companionship, for as long or as short, as friendly, passionate, soothing, or any other way it can come.
I didn’t say “Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with me in a perfect relationship?”, I said “Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?”, which I feel implies that I am not being as goal-of-forever-oriented as I may once have been. I think right now I just want to start something, to feel some connection to another human being that involves my heart, too. So, I’m trying. I’m making effort. I’m seeking advice from friends. From the internet too, which is like friends for me. I’m passing out cards to people who seem like I’d like to get to know them better when I’m not in a position to do so in any other way. I’m returning to the places where other people I like tend to be and chatting with them, trying to get to know them and let them get to know me, expressing some interest and hoping for a positive response. I don’t know what else to do. Metaphors about fire and rain don’t get me from meeting someone to kissing them.
What will?
One problem with the idea of looking in places I would want my mate to spend time is that … I don’t know. I have tried hard to not attempt to fix an image in my mind of the characteristics that any future mate of mine would have. I don’t trust my own mind to be able to be adequate to determine that sort of thing independant of experiencing it. Just about the only thing I specify when imagining this perfect fantasy relationship for the rest of my life is the “for the rest of my life” part. Knowing the importance of friendship, I do what I can to not enter into any form of relationship with persons I do not believe I could be good, long friends with. Saves a lot of trouble, I think.
(Here’s an interesting thing: I wrote the above, then set down to think about how to talk about the next part, and woke up four hours later, after Zoe had commented.)
Another important consideration is that I’m not just looking for that perfect relationship. I’ve sort of got the idea of finding it sometime in the future built in to my general hopes for the future, but that’s not in any way my primary goal. I screwed up some pretty good potential for a year or two somewhere in the last 5 by taking an all or nothing, forever or never attitude towards relationships. I think I learned my lesson from that, and a big part of what I’m looking for in companionship is just companionship, for as long or as short, as friendly, passionate, soothing, or any other way it can come.
I didn’t say “Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with me in a perfect relationship?”, I said “Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?”, which I feel implies that I am not being as goal-of-forever-oriented as I may once have been. I think right now I just want to start something, to feel some connection to another human being that involves my heart, too. So, I’m trying. I’m making effort. I’m seeking advice from friends. From the internet too, which is like friends for me. I’m passing out cards to people who seem like I’d like to get to know them better when I’m not in a position to do so in any other way. I’m returning to the places where other people I like tend to be and chatting with them, trying to get to know them and let them get to know me, expressing some interest and hoping for a positive response. I don’t know what else to do. Metaphors about fire and rain don’t get me from meeting someone to kissing them.
What will?
One problem with the idea of looking in places I would want my mate to spend time is that … I don’t know. I have tried hard to not attempt to fix an image in my mind of the characteristics that any future mate of mine would have. I don’t trust my own mind to be able to be adequate to determine that sort of thing independant of experiencing it. Just about the only thing I specify when imagining this perfect fantasy relationship for the rest of my life is the “for the rest of my life” part. Knowing the importance of friendship, I do what I can to not enter into any form of relationship with persons I do not believe I could be good, long friends with. Saves a lot of trouble, I think.
(Here’s an interesting thing: I wrote the above, then set down to think about how to talk about the next part, and woke up four hours later, after Zoe had commented.)
Another important consideration is that I’m not just looking for that perfect relationship. I’ve sort of got the idea of finding it sometime in the future built in to my general hopes for the future, but that’s not in any way my primary goal. I screwed up some pretty good potential for a year or two somewhere in the last 5 by taking an all or nothing, forever or never attitude towards relationships. I think I learned my lesson from that, and a big part of what I’m looking for in companionship is just companionship, for as long or as short, as friendly, passionate, soothing, or any other way it can come.
I didn’t say “Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with me in a perfect relationship?”, I said “Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?”, which I feel implies that I am not being as goal-of-forever-oriented as I may once have been. I think right now I just want to start something, to feel some connection to another human being that involves my heart, too. So, I’m trying. I’m making effort. I’m seeking advice from friends. From the internet too, which is like friends for me. I’m passing out cards to people who seem like I’d like to get to know them better when I’m not in a position to do so in any other way. I’m returning to the places where other people I like tend to be and chatting with them, trying to get to know them and let them get to know me, expressing some interest and hoping for a positive response. I don’t know what else to do. Metaphors about fire and rain don’t get me from meeting someone to kissing them.
What will?
One problem with the idea of looking in places I would want my mate to spend time is that … I don’t know. I have tried hard to not attempt to fix an image in my mind of the characteristics that any future mate of mine would have. I don’t trust my own mind to be able to be adequate to determine that sort of thing independant of experiencing it. Just about the only thing I specify when imagining this perfect fantasy relationship for the rest of my life is the “for the rest of my life” part. Knowing the importance of friendship, I do what I can to not enter into any form of relationship with persons I do not believe I could be good, long friends with. Saves a lot of trouble, I think.
(Here’s an interesting thing: I wrote the above, then set down to think about how to talk about the next part, and woke up four hours later, after Zoe had commented.)
Another important consideration is that I’m not just looking for that perfect relationship. I’ve sort of got the idea of finding it sometime in the future built in to my general hopes for the future, but that’s not in any way my primary goal. I screwed up some pretty good potential for a year or two somewhere in the last 5 by taking an all or nothing, forever or never attitude towards relationships. I think I learned my lesson from that, and a big part of what I’m looking for in companionship is just companionship, for as long or as short, as friendly, passionate, soothing, or any other way it can come.
I didn’t say “Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with me in a perfect relationship?”, I said “Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?”, which I feel implies that I am not being as goal-of-forever-oriented as I may once have been. I think right now I just want to start something, to feel some connection to another human being that involves my heart, too. So, I’m trying. I’m making effort. I’m seeking advice from friends. From the internet too, which is like friends for me. I’m passing out cards to people who seem like I’d like to get to know them better when I’m not in a position to do so in any other way. I’m returning to the places where other people I like tend to be and chatting with them, trying to get to know them and let them get to know me, expressing some interest and hoping for a positive response. I don’t know what else to do. Metaphors about fire and rain don’t get me from meeting someone to kissing them.
What will?
One problem with the idea of looking in places I would want my mate to spend time is that … I don’t know. I have tried hard to not attempt to fix an image in my mind of the characteristics that any future mate of mine would have. I don’t trust my own mind to be able to be adequate to determine that sort of thing independant of experiencing it. Just about the only thing I specify when imagining this perfect fantasy relationship for the rest of my life is the “for the rest of my life” part. Knowing the importance of friendship, I do what I can to not enter into any form of relationship with persons I do not believe I could be good, long friends with. Saves a lot of trouble, I think.
(Here’s an interesting thing: I wrote the above, then set down to think about how to talk about the next part, and woke up four hours later, after Zoe had commented.)
Another important consideration is that I’m not just looking for that perfect relationship. I’ve sort of got the idea of finding it sometime in the future built in to my general hopes for the future, but that’s not in any way my primary goal. I screwed up some pretty good potential for a year or two somewhere in the last 5 by taking an all or nothing, forever or never attitude towards relationships. I think I learned my lesson from that, and a big part of what I’m looking for in companionship is just companionship, for as long or as short, as friendly, passionate, soothing, or any other way it can come.
I didn’t say “Who wants to spend the rest of their lives with me in a perfect relationship?”, I said “Who really wants to stand with me in the rain, lay with me in bed, be passionate about being with me as I am with them?”, which I feel implies that I am not being as goal-of-forever-oriented as I may once have been. I think right now I just want to start something, to feel some connection to another human being that involves my heart, too. So, I’m trying. I’m making effort. I’m seeking advice from friends. From the internet too, which is like friends for me. I’m passing out cards to people who seem like I’d like to get to know them better when I’m not in a position to do so in any other way. I’m returning to the places where other people I like tend to be and chatting with them, trying to get to know them and let them get to know me, expressing some interest and hoping for a positive response. I don’t know what else to do. Metaphors about fire and rain don’t get me from meeting someone to kissing them.
What will?
You know that I was single for 10 years. Raising my children, working multiple jobs, going to church and church activities. “The best years of my life.” My 40’s. I would never again look so unwrinkled. On Friday and Saturday nites, even after work if needed, I would go to clubs with live music to listen to it and dance. I would get dressed up. That is something that I enjoy. North Scottsdale and other places I liked. Something for me. I met and brushed off a lot of guys who were just cliche. Bob came up to me and started a conversation and moved on. He was too old for me I was just cordial. Another day and time, he talked to me. Several different times and nights he talked to me. One time he tempted me to go to a place to eat (which I hate to do) that I had heard about as an upscale place. I said yes. Then he said that he would have Alex bring his Jag around. That was a deal breaker. I thought no. He finally talked me back into it and we went. He was very interesting and his age disappeared. We said goodnight. He forced my phone number out of me. When I came home from church the next day, he was on my answering machine, inviting me to fly to Sedona for dinner that night in his little aercoop. I was swept off my feet. Every time I saw him he bought me a little present. Earings, bracelets, watches, rings. We began a relationship. He was not a Christian. He watched my walk with Jesus, and after 3 years, he decided that he wanted some of that. He accepted Christ as his personal savior. He was baptised. After that, we had a celebate relationship until we were married. He was single for years. In fact both of his other marriages did not take. It has not been an easy adjustment. I had to sell my home and independence. My friends, job location, neighborhood, empty nest, my church. I have one room in the house that has my stuff in it. The rest of the house is not my taste. I mean, the sarcophagus in the living room is fine. All of the reproductions in oil of Rembrandt, Renoir and the guy who did starry starry night is okay. I did not choose it. Well, there is my love story. Everyone has their own.
I remember that your mom came to live in Payson after the divorce. Your dad was at the church, they met each other and the rest is history.
Life is a rocky road in the best of circumstances. No one has a smooth ride. It is best to at least not be anxious and it will have a potentially better outcome.
My clock was ticking when I met Lee in a club. I was working 2 jobs. I had just decided not to finish the ASU thing at that time. I was asked to withdraw from student teaching, two weeks before graduation. One was at the Red Dog a Go Go. I wanted to see what other clubs were like. I was 22 and just old enough to start exploring. It was Tuesday night. My night off. There was a turtle race at the Fifth National Bank on the corner of Indian School Road and Central. He was cute to me. I had just lost 50 lbs. and he thought I was cute. I had low self esteem. I did not know how cute I was. My dad said that I wasn’t cute that I better be smart. And besides, I thought that you had to be cute to be married. I thought that was the only criteria. I don’t know why. Lee wanted a baby after 2 years into the relationship. I said that I would not do that unless I was married. So we got married. Valarie was born 10 months after we were married when I was 26. Marriage meant something to me, but it meant no new barriers to him. He still was attracted to women and them to him…After 20 years, and the difficulty of teens acting very similarly to his behavior, he decided to latch on to the next attractive lady and to leave us.
I guess that you are interested how things work in real life.
My life is real.
This is how it has played out so far.
You know that I was single for 10 years. Raising my children, working multiple jobs, going to church and church activities. “The best years of my life.” My 40’s. I would never again look so unwrinkled. On Friday and Saturday nites, even after work if needed, I would go to clubs with live music to listen to it and dance. I would get dressed up. That is something that I enjoy. North Scottsdale and other places I liked. Something for me. I met and brushed off a lot of guys who were just cliche. Bob came up to me and started a conversation and moved on. He was too old for me I was just cordial. Another day and time, he talked to me. Several different times and nights he talked to me. One time he tempted me to go to a place to eat (which I hate to do) that I had heard about as an upscale place. I said yes. Then he said that he would have Alex bring his Jag around. That was a deal breaker. I thought no. He finally talked me back into it and we went. He was very interesting and his age disappeared. We said goodnight. He forced my phone number out of me. When I came home from church the next day, he was on my answering machine, inviting me to fly to Sedona for dinner that night in his little aercoop. I was swept off my feet. Every time I saw him he bought me a little present. Earings, bracelets, watches, rings. We began a relationship. He was not a Christian. He watched my walk with Jesus, and after 3 years, he decided that he wanted some of that. He accepted Christ as his personal savior. He was baptised. After that, we had a celebate relationship until we were married. He was single for years. In fact both of his other marriages did not take. It has not been an easy adjustment. I had to sell my home and independence. My friends, job location, neighborhood, empty nest, my church. I have one room in the house that has my stuff in it. The rest of the house is not my taste. I mean, the sarcophagus in the living room is fine. All of the reproductions in oil of Rembrandt, Renoir and the guy who did starry starry night is okay. I did not choose it. Well, there is my love story. Everyone has their own.
I remember that your mom came to live in Payson after the divorce. Your dad was at the church, they met each other and the rest is history.
Life is a rocky road in the best of circumstances. No one has a smooth ride. It is best to at least not be anxious and it will have a potentially better outcome.
My clock was ticking when I met Lee in a club. I was working 2 jobs. I had just decided not to finish the ASU thing at that time. I was asked to withdraw from student teaching, two weeks before graduation. One was at the Red Dog a Go Go. I wanted to see what other clubs were like. I was 22 and just old enough to start exploring. It was Tuesday night. My night off. There was a turtle race at the Fifth National Bank on the corner of Indian School Road and Central. He was cute to me. I had just lost 50 lbs. and he thought I was cute. I had low self esteem. I did not know how cute I was. My dad said that I wasn’t cute that I better be smart. And besides, I thought that you had to be cute to be married. I thought that was the only criteria. I don’t know why. Lee wanted a baby after 2 years into the relationship. I said that I would not do that unless I was married. So we got married. Valarie was born 10 months after we were married when I was 26. Marriage meant something to me, but it meant no new barriers to him. He still was attracted to women and them to him…After 20 years, and the difficulty of teens acting very similarly to his behavior, he decided to latch on to the next attractive lady and to leave us.
I guess that you are interested how things work in real life.
My life is real.
This is how it has played out so far.
You know that I was single for 10 years. Raising my children, working multiple jobs, going to church and church activities. “The best years of my life.” My 40’s. I would never again look so unwrinkled. On Friday and Saturday nites, even after work if needed, I would go to clubs with live music to listen to it and dance. I would get dressed up. That is something that I enjoy. North Scottsdale and other places I liked. Something for me. I met and brushed off a lot of guys who were just cliche. Bob came up to me and started a conversation and moved on. He was too old for me I was just cordial. Another day and time, he talked to me. Several different times and nights he talked to me. One time he tempted me to go to a place to eat (which I hate to do) that I had heard about as an upscale place. I said yes. Then he said that he would have Alex bring his Jag around. That was a deal breaker. I thought no. He finally talked me back into it and we went. He was very interesting and his age disappeared. We said goodnight. He forced my phone number out of me. When I came home from church the next day, he was on my answering machine, inviting me to fly to Sedona for dinner that night in his little aercoop. I was swept off my feet. Every time I saw him he bought me a little present. Earings, bracelets, watches, rings. We began a relationship. He was not a Christian. He watched my walk with Jesus, and after 3 years, he decided that he wanted some of that. He accepted Christ as his personal savior. He was baptised. After that, we had a celebate relationship until we were married. He was single for years. In fact both of his other marriages did not take. It has not been an easy adjustment. I had to sell my home and independence. My friends, job location, neighborhood, empty nest, my church. I have one room in the house that has my stuff in it. The rest of the house is not my taste. I mean, the sarcophagus in the living room is fine. All of the reproductions in oil of Rembrandt, Renoir and the guy who did starry starry night is okay. I did not choose it. Well, there is my love story. Everyone has their own.
I remember that your mom came to live in Payson after the divorce. Your dad was at the church, they met each other and the rest is history.
Life is a rocky road in the best of circumstances. No one has a smooth ride. It is best to at least not be anxious and it will have a potentially better outcome.
My clock was ticking when I met Lee in a club. I was working 2 jobs. I had just decided not to finish the ASU thing at that time. I was asked to withdraw from student teaching, two weeks before graduation. One was at the Red Dog a Go Go. I wanted to see what other clubs were like. I was 22 and just old enough to start exploring. It was Tuesday night. My night off. There was a turtle race at the Fifth National Bank on the corner of Indian School Road and Central. He was cute to me. I had just lost 50 lbs. and he thought I was cute. I had low self esteem. I did not know how cute I was. My dad said that I wasn’t cute that I better be smart. And besides, I thought that you had to be cute to be married. I thought that was the only criteria. I don’t know why. Lee wanted a baby after 2 years into the relationship. I said that I would not do that unless I was married. So we got married. Valarie was born 10 months after we were married when I was 26. Marriage meant something to me, but it meant no new barriers to him. He still was attracted to women and them to him…After 20 years, and the difficulty of teens acting very similarly to his behavior, he decided to latch on to the next attractive lady and to leave us.
I guess that you are interested how things work in real life.
My life is real.
This is how it has played out so far.
You know that I was single for 10 years. Raising my children, working multiple jobs, going to church and church activities. “The best years of my life.” My 40’s. I would never again look so unwrinkled. On Friday and Saturday nites, even after work if needed, I would go to clubs with live music to listen to it and dance. I would get dressed up. That is something that I enjoy. North Scottsdale and other places I liked. Something for me. I met and brushed off a lot of guys who were just cliche. Bob came up to me and started a conversation and moved on. He was too old for me I was just cordial. Another day and time, he talked to me. Several different times and nights he talked to me. One time he tempted me to go to a place to eat (which I hate to do) that I had heard about as an upscale place. I said yes. Then he said that he would have Alex bring his Jag around. That was a deal breaker. I thought no. He finally talked me back into it and we went. He was very interesting and his age disappeared. We said goodnight. He forced my phone number out of me. When I came home from church the next day, he was on my answering machine, inviting me to fly to Sedona for dinner that night in his little aercoop. I was swept off my feet. Every time I saw him he bought me a little present. Earings, bracelets, watches, rings. We began a relationship. He was not a Christian. He watched my walk with Jesus, and after 3 years, he decided that he wanted some of that. He accepted Christ as his personal savior. He was baptised. After that, we had a celebate relationship until we were married. He was single for years. In fact both of his other marriages did not take. It has not been an easy adjustment. I had to sell my home and independence. My friends, job location, neighborhood, empty nest, my church. I have one room in the house that has my stuff in it. The rest of the house is not my taste. I mean, the sarcophagus in the living room is fine. All of the reproductions in oil of Rembrandt, Renoir and the guy who did starry starry night is okay. I did not choose it. Well, there is my love story. Everyone has their own.
I remember that your mom came to live in Payson after the divorce. Your dad was at the church, they met each other and the rest is history.
Life is a rocky road in the best of circumstances. No one has a smooth ride. It is best to at least not be anxious and it will have a potentially better outcome.
My clock was ticking when I met Lee in a club. I was working 2 jobs. I had just decided not to finish the ASU thing at that time. I was asked to withdraw from student teaching, two weeks before graduation. One was at the Red Dog a Go Go. I wanted to see what other clubs were like. I was 22 and just old enough to start exploring. It was Tuesday night. My night off. There was a turtle race at the Fifth National Bank on the corner of Indian School Road and Central. He was cute to me. I had just lost 50 lbs. and he thought I was cute. I had low self esteem. I did not know how cute I was. My dad said that I wasn’t cute that I better be smart. And besides, I thought that you had to be cute to be married. I thought that was the only criteria. I don’t know why. Lee wanted a baby after 2 years into the relationship. I said that I would not do that unless I was married. So we got married. Valarie was born 10 months after we were married when I was 26. Marriage meant something to me, but it meant no new barriers to him. He still was attracted to women and them to him…After 20 years, and the difficulty of teens acting very similarly to his behavior, he decided to latch on to the next attractive lady and to leave us.
I guess that you are interested how things work in real life.
My life is real.
This is how it has played out so far.
You know that I was single for 10 years. Raising my children, working multiple jobs, going to church and church activities. “The best years of my life.” My 40’s. I would never again look so unwrinkled. On Friday and Saturday nites, even after work if needed, I would go to clubs with live music to listen to it and dance. I would get dressed up. That is something that I enjoy. North Scottsdale and other places I liked. Something for me. I met and brushed off a lot of guys who were just cliche. Bob came up to me and started a conversation and moved on. He was too old for me I was just cordial. Another day and time, he talked to me. Several different times and nights he talked to me. One time he tempted me to go to a place to eat (which I hate to do) that I had heard about as an upscale place. I said yes. Then he said that he would have Alex bring his Jag around. That was a deal breaker. I thought no. He finally talked me back into it and we went. He was very interesting and his age disappeared. We said goodnight. He forced my phone number out of me. When I came home from church the next day, he was on my answering machine, inviting me to fly to Sedona for dinner that night in his little aercoop. I was swept off my feet. Every time I saw him he bought me a little present. Earings, bracelets, watches, rings. We began a relationship. He was not a Christian. He watched my walk with Jesus, and after 3 years, he decided that he wanted some of that. He accepted Christ as his personal savior. He was baptised. After that, we had a celebate relationship until we were married. He was single for years. In fact both of his other marriages did not take. It has not been an easy adjustment. I had to sell my home and independence. My friends, job location, neighborhood, empty nest, my church. I have one room in the house that has my stuff in it. The rest of the house is not my taste. I mean, the sarcophagus in the living room is fine. All of the reproductions in oil of Rembrandt, Renoir and the guy who did starry starry night is okay. I did not choose it. Well, there is my love story. Everyone has their own.
I remember that your mom came to live in Payson after the divorce. Your dad was at the church, they met each other and the rest is history.
Life is a rocky road in the best of circumstances. No one has a smooth ride. It is best to at least not be anxious and it will have a potentially better outcome.
My clock was ticking when I met Lee in a club. I was working 2 jobs. I had just decided not to finish the ASU thing at that time. I was asked to withdraw from student teaching, two weeks before graduation. One was at the Red Dog a Go Go. I wanted to see what other clubs were like. I was 22 and just old enough to start exploring. It was Tuesday night. My night off. There was a turtle race at the Fifth National Bank on the corner of Indian School Road and Central. He was cute to me. I had just lost 50 lbs. and he thought I was cute. I had low self esteem. I did not know how cute I was. My dad said that I wasn’t cute that I better be smart. And besides, I thought that you had to be cute to be married. I thought that was the only criteria. I don’t know why. Lee wanted a baby after 2 years into the relationship. I said that I would not do that unless I was married. So we got married. Valarie was born 10 months after we were married when I was 26. Marriage meant something to me, but it meant no new barriers to him. He still was attracted to women and them to him…After 20 years, and the difficulty of teens acting very similarly to his behavior, he decided to latch on to the next attractive lady and to leave us.
I guess that you are interested how things work in real life.
My life is real.
This is how it has played out so far.
Everyones life is real to them. Most peoples lives are some interesting idea to everyone else.
Everyones life is real to them. Most peoples lives are some interesting idea to everyone else.