3rd Gen AIBO

I remember when I first heard about AIBO, years ago, before they were made available for sale (and sold out within hours), I read everything I could find out about them and decided that what I’d really like is a 3rd or 4th generation AIBO. Well, after the 2nd generation AIBO was released, the evolutionary tree branched off in two directions, into cuter and futuristic strains. The futuristic strain is the one I want. That’s the 3rd generation AIBO I was talking about. More about being a robot pet than being a robot pet. If I really wanted a pet simulating robot, I’d get the Nicoro. I want a robotic companion.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “3rd Gen AIBO”

  1. We should save up and chip in together and get it on timeshare or something. If we used two memory sticks, the robot wouldn’t even know it had two masters. Maybe we can get each other half a robot for Christmas or something.

  2. We should save up and chip in together and get it on timeshare or something. If we used two memory sticks, the robot wouldn’t even know it had two masters. Maybe we can get each other half a robot for Christmas or something.

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