There’s a lot of things I should do more of, and posting is one of them, I suppose.
I’ve had a runny nose the last few days… mostly running down the back of my throat, causing a sore throat. I slept about 16 hours last night and feel pretty good today, though. I’ve just showered for the first time in I don’t know how long (probably just a week or two, but I don’t, like, mark my calendar), and I’m about to go out. I have to return The Truth to the library and simultaneously request it again; it’s so popular I can’t renew it, and I’m so busy I only read about half of it in two weeks. My word count for NaNoWriMo is … 1824 words, apparently. Man. I am on a roll. To be “on track” to finish a 50k word novel by the end of november, I’d have to have roughly 26,667 words written by the end of the day today. Sadly, that’s about … 2.4 to 3.3 times faster than I tend to write, when writing is all I’m doing… I mean, to get to that number by midnight. Of course, if I were to write from now until midnight tomorrow, I’d be right on track, if not 7500 words ahead. Not that I see that happening.
But I do plan to spend some hours writing today, tomorrow, even Friday.
Oh, hey, anyone want to go see Harry Potter at the Cine Capri with me Thursday night at 12:01? For those of you who haven’t looked up the statistics, the picture size on the Cine Capri screen differs from that on the IMAX (for converted pictures in the 16×9 format) by less than 4%, and even if you paid the full $10 ticket price (student tickets, with student ID, are only $7.50) you’d be saving roughly 30% ($4 off the typical $14 adult ticket for IMAX converted movies). Sigh. Anyway, if you’d like to join me, give me a ring on the phone. ((Cine Capri sold out before I could get a ticket, so I’m just going to my local theatre, the North Valley 16. They don’t usually sell out for anything.))
I’ll see about posting an excerpt from my novel later. Maybe a photo or two of my new painting.