i’d drink myself to death tonight, but I can’t afford it with support like this

According to my server, not fewer than 1,046 people, and perhaps as many as 8,600+ people, have viewed this site (on lessthanthis.com, no idea how many saw the equivalent page on my LiveJournal) since I put up my request for support of my Single-Sitting-Book, less than two weeks ago. With the entry remaining on the main page of the site and two links to it appearing on every page of the site, including the archives, links to the donation page and the description page have been seen at least twenty thousand times since I posted them, all told. And the response so far has been simply unbelievable!

That is, I simply don’t believe it.

A grand total of Zero people, donating the shocking total sum of Zero dollars and Zero cents, have shown their support. In addition to that, an unheard-of Zero people have emailed me or called me or commented in other ways about the project, counting all positive and negative communications together.

I just don’t know what to say.

Thank you all, for showing me exactly how much you care. I’d suspected it, but this shows it concretely – the seventeen to twenty-five thousand visitors to lessthanthis.com every month are not shy about showing what this site means to them.

Published by


Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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