I recently ordered another batch of my books, and they are either already waiting for me at work or will be tomorrow morning by this time. Which means that you can now get any of the following books from me in person and not pay shipping costs, plus get your copy signed:
Lost and Not Found, $20 (this one sells out fast)
Dragons’ Truth, $15
The Vintage Collection, $15
Untrue Tales Book One, $15
Untrue Tales Book Two, $15
Untrue Tales, Book One AND Book Two combined, $20
[secret book you aren’t allowed to even know exists, let alone buy], $40,000
So. There you go. If you’d like to buy any of these books, just let me know. I have access to the car all the time now, so I can drive all over GMPhoenix to deliver them to you (Nanda, Iain, Marie, other east-side friends, this means you), and gladly.
Ohh, here, this is new: Now you get a receipt with your purchase! WOo!
Okay, time for work.
I want the combo Untrue Tales!
I want the combo Untrue Tales!