did anyone else feel that?

It was the feeling of 1854 words written by a NaNoWriMo participant that had nothing to do with his novel.

It was a feeling of great pain and suffering.

Imagine a thousand weasels going a moment without being distracted by something bright and/or shiny, and I think you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Note: If you do discover what I’m talking about, please share – I haven’t the foggiest.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “did anyone else feel that?”

  1. Damn your picture at the right side of the page..
    You really look like a dickhead. Wanna look like Osama?
    You are probably the type of guy who only yerks of and hasn’t got a girlfriend.
    And don’t try a thoughguys respond on this…
    It won’t make you a cool guy…
    Some people are just born losers.

  2. Damn your picture at the right side of the page..
    You really look like a dickhead. Wanna look like Osama?
    You are probably the type of guy who only yerks of and hasn’t got a girlfriend.
    And don’t try a thoughguys respond on this…
    It won’t make you a cool guy…
    Some people are just born losers.

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