Site shuffling

Quick post before passing out.

Put the relevant entries from “Time Forgets…” (the blog that transcribed my 1995 journal entries from my ENG102 class) and from the deleted “Ramblings” section into the appropriate places in FYTH. Looks like around 50 new posts, back in time.

If I can find more dated journal pages or files or the like, especially dated between 1995 and 2000, I will see about getting them online as well. Don’t know what kind of luck I’ll have. A lot of what I wrote in that period was letters and otherwise sent-to-someone-else pages that no longer exist (or are simply as inaccessable to me as the people I originally sent them to). SO. We’ll see.

I’ll get links to the archives of the sections I pulled from the site on here soon. I’ll also work on getting all the Modern Evil sections updated to stop reflecting bad/broken links to the removed sections. Quickly, the sections no longer part of the site are as follows:

Angel From Heaven
Pit of Geek
Photoshop PingPong
Dumb Shit
low bullshit tolerance
the City
Time Forgets
Book of Days
Anyone But You
Self Defeatist

Oh, and to mention it publicly, I’m hoping to get the ‘Mouse’ Project page updated ASAP. The project is over a year old now. It will likely be another year before it gets done.

Anything else?

Maybe something personal like mentioning that I met four new people tonight and I think we’ll be fast friends? Good times, and good times ahead. Maybe I’ll say more later. One of them may begin a blog on Modern Evil soon. We shall certainly see.

And now, to go pass out.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “Site shuffling”

  1. Oh, and I’ve just gone through and deleted the following authors’ logins:

    teel the dad
    adam prosser
    alpha chuck
    robert grove

    you know, for reference.

    as though you cared.

  2. Oh, and I’ve just gone through and deleted the following authors’ logins:

    teel the dad
    adam prosser
    alpha chuck
    robert grove

    you know, for reference.

    as though you cared.

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