Okay. Black, black, black. Lots of black. Black border on Screw Moo, black undercoat on … melty thing. Black on my hands. Black-y black black. Black.
Almost out of various mediums. Running out. Need more. Almost out of canvases. Which may be why I’m working on plywood for a couple of pieces. But I do have … two or three canvases left. Small, small, huge. And I have some paints. Some paints I’ve never used, donated from a friend. May try using those. May just work with what I have left of everything else. No money for new paints. No money for new canvases. No money for new mediums. No money … blah blah blah … until you buy more paintings! You should buy them! They’re GRRRRREAT!!
Like cereal.
The low, low prices of the Spring Cleaning Art Sale are available through the end of May (ie: through Monday, May 31st, 2004), after which time prices will return to normal. Yes, “Screw Moo” is available through Monday for the low, low price of $40 to Arizona residents (or people who will agree to pay an additional shipping charge). Email now!
OR, come up to Pine, Arizona for Memorial Day weekend! All my art and furniture is available for low, low prices – if you ask for me by name. You know my name, right? It’s “Teel McClanahan III”. Heck. If you just ask for “Teel” and then make me a reasonable offer I’ll give you the art you want for that price. We’ll be open 9-5 all weekend. Not to mention the other half-dozen shops we have right here on our property, and the huge arts and crafts festival just three doors down, right in the heart of Pine, Arizona.
It’s fun. You should come.
I’m going to go … I don’t know. Not paint more black, I think.