A reasonably successful return

Did pretty good. Gave away two promotional copies of LaNF I’d promised people six months ago, which was good. Sold eight books (3xLanf, 3xtVC, 2xD’T) while visiting with twelve people over the course of Tuesday. The average person who bought books bought two books, but over half of the people I visited didn’t buy books at all. Overall, pretty good, I suppose. I haven’t quite made back the almost $250 I spent ordering the books, but I made enough to help pay the credit card bill for the card I put it on. I’ve still got the rest of the books – 13 remain after the two I’m keeping for myself – available for purchase at any time. You can pick them up in the store in the big log cabin here in Pine (email me for directions), or if you let me know you’re interested, I’ll probably be in the valley again in a couple of weeks, and can bring the books to you.

And, as always, you can order the books online. Click here to order books online.

Back in Pine now, of course. Still a little tired from the trip, but feeling good overall. I think I’ll go down, do some breakfast, and see if I can’t get some furniture work done.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.