New features

Okay, so I tried to go to sleep and found my mind was too active.

Actually, I was programming new features for Modern Evil in my mind, for fun.

For instance, there are now, on the main page of Modern Evil, little dots next to all the “Most Recent” links you haven’t yet followed. So if there’s a dot there, you haven’t read that thing (or haven’t read it in this browser since you last cleared your cache…) – let me know what you think of that new feature.

Also, I wrote a little function that creates a dynamic Hex color code based on the timestamp of a thing (ie: a blog entry’s creation date, or the last time someone updated their weight for Fuck 50lbs To Hell) and a specified range, and I applied it to my “Recent Entries” list on the right, to Fuck 50lbs To Hell, and to my Archive List. Right now I’ve specified the period for things to “go grey” for all three as 30 days (which is a little silly for the archive list) – tell me where else you’d like to see some sort of visual representation of things’ age.

Anyway, I’m going to go try sleeping again now. Good luck to me! Hopefully I won’t have dreams about coding…

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

8 thoughts on “New features”

  1. Okay, okay, individual posts are aged out at 30 days, monthly archives are aged out at a year.

    How’s that?

  2. Okay, okay, individual posts are aged out at 30 days, monthly archives are aged out at a year.

    How’s that?

  3. And a little more sophisticated code now: The 5 Most Recent of the 10 Most Recently Updated areas of Modern Evil on the main Modern Evil page now also lose their intensity of color as they age past 30 days, slowly approaching a neutralized form of their category-based colors.

    How about that?

    Any other ideas for useful things to do with color and form to share information? I mean, really. Now the colors tell you not only what sort of thing you’re linking to, but generally how old it is, too.

  4. And a little more sophisticated code now: The 5 Most Recent of the 10 Most Recently Updated areas of Modern Evil on the main Modern Evil page now also lose their intensity of color as they age past 30 days, slowly approaching a neutralized form of their category-based colors.

    How about that?

    Any other ideas for useful things to do with color and form to share information? I mean, really. Now the colors tell you not only what sort of thing you’re linking to, but generally how old it is, too.

  5. Have you tried dippin’ dots? They are all sorts of yummy ice-creamish goodness, and relatively damn cheap at Golfland in Mesa.

    Every once in a while I like to make some good ice cream my bitch.

  6. Have you tried dippin’ dots? They are all sorts of yummy ice-creamish goodness, and relatively damn cheap at Golfland in Mesa.

    Every once in a while I like to make some good ice cream my bitch.

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