Lost in Translation, now on DVD

In regards to my list of the best and worst movies of 2003, it looks like Lost in Translation is being released on DVD today. I want to own this movie. I’ve just added it to my Amazon Wishlist. The first person to buy me a copy of Lost in Translation (Widescreen DVD) will receive a complimentary, signed copy of the final version of my debut novel, Lost and Not Found (expected availability: March 2004, approximate value:$20 + S/H) and 50% off any one order from Modern Evil’s 2004 Spring Catalog (expected availability: Summer 2004). If you order it via my Amazon Wishlist it will be shipped directly to me, or if you can get a better deal locally, email me for my shipping address. Or heck, deliver it to me in person. Used copies are fine (assuming they play) – I buy 95% of my DVDs used myself – so feel free to watch and enjoy it before sending it my way.

If I have the money, I will buy it in a couple of weeks when I’m in Phoenix, but … I doubt I’ll have the money for it that soon.

Thanks, everyone, for your compassion and generosity.

Support Modern Evil; buy me DVDs.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.