In regards to my list of the best and worst movies of 2003, it looks like Lost in Translation is being released on DVD today. I want to own this movie. I’ve just added it to my Amazon Wishlist. The first person to buy me a copy of Lost in Translation (Widescreen DVD) will receive a complimentary, signed copy of the final version of my debut novel, Lost and Not Found (expected availability: March 2004, approximate value:$20 + S/H) and 50% off any one order from Modern Evil’s 2004 Spring Catalog (expected availability: Summer 2004). If you order it via my Amazon Wishlist it will be shipped directly to me, or if you can get a better deal locally, email me for my shipping address. Or heck, deliver it to me in person. Used copies are fine (assuming they play) – I buy 95% of my DVDs used myself – so feel free to watch and enjoy it before sending it my way.
If I have the money, I will buy it in a couple of weeks when I’m in Phoenix, but … I doubt I’ll have the money for it that soon.
Thanks, everyone, for your compassion and generosity.
Support Modern Evil; buy me DVDs.