I am going to begin … making an effort myself, anyway … to delete the SPAM-type comments that have been appearing all over Modern Evil lately. I will also be blocking the IP addresses from which they come. I will only be doing these activites in the main areas of Modern Evil and in my own blog. I recommend that you do the same. If you do not know how (or for some reason do not have access to) block IP addresses from commenting, please email me for instructions.
Next: I will be in the GMPhoenix area for the weekend of February 14th-16th, perhaps arriving as early as the evening of the 13th. I expect to go to the Arizona Renaissance Festival with Art (&c.) on the 14th, but would be glad to make other plans for the weekend in advance, and would be joyed for you to join us at RenFest. Whee!
I may post more later, but for now I’m going to go fight SPAM-type comments.
Thats the weekend of estrella war… sorry, I have been planning on going to estrella for a year, and paid for it 3 months ago..
If it was the following weekend I would go with ya to ren faire :>
Thats the weekend of estrella war… sorry, I have been planning on going to estrella for a year, and paid for it 3 months ago..
If it was the following weekend I would go with ya to ren faire :>