Who ARE these people?

By sometime Monday, 562.0 A.C. (9/28/2003 A.D.), Modern Evil will have been seen by over ten thousand different computers in one month, this month, September. This is more than the previous “high water mark” by three thousand computers. That’s a lot of readers. Page views, or the actual number of different pages loaded everywhere on Modern Evil, is over seventeen thousand so far, and may climb to over twenty thousand, depending on volume of posts and readers in the next couple of days. (Previous high month of page views: around fifteen thousand)

Ten thousand.

Wow. Ten thousand.

That’s a lot of readers. What I want to know is who are these people? Comments aren’t up, much, and FYTH still gets 50%-60% of all page views, so … I don’t know what that says. There aren’t any stand-out search terms (like we had for our previous high, around valentine’s day) directing people here, just miscellaneous stuff. There isn’t a big referrer like Penny Arcade or Slashdot driving traffic to us. I don’t get it.

Maybe people really do like reading me whine about my life and ramble about whatever bizarre topics come to mind.

Now the real question is, when my first novel is made available later this year, how many of those ten thousand will buy a copy?

Heck, if ten percent of ten thousand people bought a copy in one form or another (I am planning on releasing it in paperback, PDF, and audio formats), I would not only consider it a huge success, but would basically be guaranteed a publisher for my next novel (already in progress). Who wants to pre-order?

Published by


Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Who ARE these people?”

  1. I got here by looking searching weight loss 50lbs or more in fact I misspelled it because there is supposed to be a space after ‘0’ but when I saw that “fuck yourself to hell…” well I couldn’t help but go and like a train wreck I couldnt help but stay and stare. I am a 53 year old girl in nashville tn. I am some kind of artist/entrepenuer. after 17 years drawing pictures of cats and selling them to crazy cat ladies I have had enuff. I’m at a crossroads. I want to be happy, contribute in a meaningful way and find my True Self. Trouble is I have $250,000.00 worth of cat stuff…like home decor stuff and t-shirts in a warehouse. I have to move out becuase I owe 4 months back rent and i have no will to stay there and sell the stuff in a business as usual way. Any advice for me?
    Thanks…and I would just like to say I very much like your style. and if you are who you write, well, I very much like you. or like you very much.

  2. I got here by looking searching weight loss 50lbs or more in fact I misspelled it because there is supposed to be a space after ‘0’ but when I saw that “fuck yourself to hell…” well I couldn’t help but go and like a train wreck I couldnt help but stay and stare. I am a 53 year old girl in nashville tn. I am some kind of artist/entrepenuer. after 17 years drawing pictures of cats and selling them to crazy cat ladies I have had enuff. I’m at a crossroads. I want to be happy, contribute in a meaningful way and find my True Self. Trouble is I have $250,000.00 worth of cat stuff…like home decor stuff and t-shirts in a warehouse. I have to move out becuase I owe 4 months back rent and i have no will to stay there and sell the stuff in a business as usual way. Any advice for me?
    Thanks…and I would just like to say I very much like your style. and if you are who you write, well, I very much like you. or like you very much.

  3. Alas, I have no good business advice for you at this time. Then again, I don’t really have all the information. My wacky brain might be able to give good advice with more data. I shall probably email you about it. (Actually, I’ll probably forget. I’m working on too many other things this weekend… Sigh.)

    But as long as I’m posting here, it looks like you’ve got the right ideas, life-wise… You “want to be happy, contribute in a meaningful way and find [your] True Self.” Just … don’t pay anyone to tell you how to do this. (Well, unless it’s me. ::wink::) Generally, this is the sort of thing one needs to figure out on one’s own. Perhaps someday I’ll finally get my instructions together for how to figure it out on your own, but for right now … mostly I can just wish you good luck.

    Thanks, re: my style. Hopefully you’ll enjoy my book, too. As far as I know I am who I write, but who is to say? I’ve actually been working in some depth about the nature of self in relation to the nature of perceived and filtered versions of self, lately. Maybe I’ll post about it… eventually.

    Good luck with the merchandise; I don’t know how you moved it before, but perhaps you can find someone willing to pay you for the whole lot at once, for some fraction of the actual value (preferably a high one) – Look for a distributor or agent who will act as a middle-man and storage. Again, I don’t really have enough detail, so this advice may be useless. Have you tried calling the appropriate agents of WalMart? They buy anything.

  4. Alas, I have no good business advice for you at this time. Then again, I don’t really have all the information. My wacky brain might be able to give good advice with more data. I shall probably email you about it. (Actually, I’ll probably forget. I’m working on too many other things this weekend… Sigh.)

    But as long as I’m posting here, it looks like you’ve got the right ideas, life-wise… You “want to be happy, contribute in a meaningful way and find [your] True Self.” Just … don’t pay anyone to tell you how to do this. (Well, unless it’s me. ::wink::) Generally, this is the sort of thing one needs to figure out on one’s own. Perhaps someday I’ll finally get my instructions together for how to figure it out on your own, but for right now … mostly I can just wish you good luck.

    Thanks, re: my style. Hopefully you’ll enjoy my book, too. As far as I know I am who I write, but who is to say? I’ve actually been working in some depth about the nature of self in relation to the nature of perceived and filtered versions of self, lately. Maybe I’ll post about it… eventually.

    Good luck with the merchandise; I don’t know how you moved it before, but perhaps you can find someone willing to pay you for the whole lot at once, for some fraction of the actual value (preferably a high one) – Look for a distributor or agent who will act as a middle-man and storage. Again, I don’t really have enough detail, so this advice may be useless. Have you tried calling the appropriate agents of WalMart? They buy anything.

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