Interest has been voiced to me in the last week or two (ie: 5-10 days) in ordering my novel. Alas, it is still being looked at for final review by a few faithful volunteers, has no cover design, and no copy written for or about it yet. Also, Cafepress, who I plan to publish it via, does not yet offer the “Perfect Bound” binding option which you know and love as “paperback”, which is a technology I am waiting for before I offer a print edition.
I expect to have a final edit done before the end of October (I’m planning on writing yet another novel in November for National Novel Writing Month, by the way, and I fully expect it to take up the bulk of my free time that month), and to have three formats available before year’s end.
First available, a PDF version of the novel, sent to you electronically via email.
Also, an audio version of the novel, as read by the author (me). I have already invested in the hardware and software necessary to produce a quality audio version of a book, and as soon as I have a “final edit”, I will begin recording. At this time I plan to distribute the audio version electronically as MP3 files, though I am looking into a CD distribution and other options.
Finally, the bound paperback edition of the novel, which will be available as soon as the publishing technology is worked out.
The novel is now available for purchase.
The PDF and MP3 versions will be emailed to the address you pay with as soon as they become avialable. (That is, the PDF first, and the audio later, as I will be recording it AFTER I finish the final edit.) The paperback versions will be available as soon after the final edit is done as Cafepress begins offering Perfect Bound binding, or through another vendor if necessary so all pre-orders are fulfilled (shipped out) before 1/1/2004. Hopefully, much sooner.
You can now order an Advance Edition paperback copy of Lost and Not Found from CafePress. The Audio version will not be completed before 2/1/2004 at the earliest, so pre-orders will not be fulfilled until February at the earliest. If you would like your copy now, click here to order the Advance Edition from CafePress now. If you choose to pre-order, you will not receive anything until February at the earliest
If interest is voiced and sales reach 500+ copies (or pre-orders reach 100+ copies), I will also look into making a hardback edition available at a future date.
Pre-order today and save!
(Note: Final prices are subject to change. Pre-order prices are based on current cost estimates, and do not imply or guarantee what final prices may be. Please send any questions or comments to