I need a copy writer

That is, I need someone to write the copy for the back of the paperback release of my recently finished novel. The novel itself is in the process of final review (if you would like to read an advance copy to help me out checking for spelling and grammar errors and for overall clarity, just drop me a line – teel AT modernevil DOT com – and I’ll send you a digital copy), and before I can put together the print version, I need to have copy for the back cover.

For those of you who are not professional copy writers, and do not know them, copy is the ‘blurb’ on the inside flap of a dust jacket or on the back of a paperback that tells prospective readers what the book is about. The only compensation I can offer a copy writer is (first) an advance reading copy of the novel in electronic format to base their copy on and (later) a finished, print version of the novel if they want it.

Although copy is not credited, generally, I will likely use it on the website to describe the book, on the back of the book itself, and to pitch the book in various formats to various other outlets.

Also, I would like to find someone who is not me to do the cover design as well. I have graphic design experience, but would prefer to have a third party design this element for me, for various reasons. The same offer applies; I cannot promise monetary compensation on this project, but would send you an electronically formatted advance copy of the novel to base the cover on, and would be glad to send a final, print version when it is available, as compensation. Cover design IS DEFINITELY credited, as you willsimply make it part of your design.

Thanks in advance to everyone who even considers helping out. If you don’t think you can do this, please ask your friends. When this book becomes a runaway success, I’m sure I’ll be able to offer monetary compensation for similar work on my next novel (already in progress), and if I’m happy with it, would likely go back to the same people.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.