I’ve fallen behind on my writing goals for progress on re-writing this novel, so I’m just going to make a brief post here and then close all my browser and IM windows and get back to work on writing. I think I’m supposed to get something like … 25+ pages written today, and as many tomorrow and each of the next two days. Just to keep on track.
I keep getting distracted by things. Like negotiating with comics creators for the upcoming ‘Premium’ section. Or working with BitPass to learn how to use their system and how I can implement my ‘Premium’ section. And then trying to program and re-program, layout and re-layout, design and re-design everything that will go into getting it all together in an easy-to-understand and easy-to-use interface that blends seamlessly with the rest of the content at Modern Evil, while still signifying that you’re getting something special, and which will give people plenty of options for accessing software while not presenting anything too confusing. Yeah. And then some. Plus I’ve had ideas for not less than three new short stories/epic new worlds to write in within as many days, all of them totally unrelated to the one writing project I’m supposed to be working on. Oh, and then there’s the hard labor.
I’ll be getting a brief update to ‘Cutting Wood’ online soon. Maybe tomorrow… night. Some panels that show what we did today, but in the most impactful and brief way possible. You’ll see.
Oh, and in case you’re wondering… I try to always put ‘Premium’ in quotes, not to undermine the high quality of what we’re going to be offering, but because I want to call it something else. First, everyone and their brother calls their for-pay stuff ‘Premium’. Second, while Modern Evil is abbreviated ‘ME’ and Modern Evil Network is abbreviated ‘MEN’, Premium Modern Evil (or Modern Evil Premium) spells ‘PME’ (or ‘MEP’), which really isn’t anything, and isn’t particularly easy to remember. So. I’m looking for something which means ‘Premium’ but can be added to ‘ME’ to create a proper acronym. Before September 1st. I’ll let you know.
Depending upon how further negotiations go, in September Modern Evil should be home to not less than 5 regularly updated comics not created by me, one or two created by me, maybe one created by Iain, and maybe up to two more comics by other people. And not all of them will be for-pay in the Premium section. Some surprizes on the way, I think. Alas, very little on the non-comics front to date. I’m in talks with one new author who may be offering a novel he’s working on one chapter at a time (maybe once a month) via ‘MEP’. (Grr… MEP?) I’ve already started work on a weekly column I’ll be writing which will only be accessible to subscribers. And … uhh… Yeah, that’s it on the non-comics front for right now.
SO! If you do something, anything, write, draw, sing, play an instrument, create poetry, make movies or short films or … anything. Let me know. If you’re any good and can produce with regularity (or have an existing work that can be released in parts over time) I’d love to get you paid for what you do in my upcoming ‘Premium’ section.
Thanks. Off to write. This took too long.
The M.E.S.S. Hall, The Modern Evil Super Section Hall… or something..
The M.E.S.S. Hall, The Modern Evil Super Section Hall… or something..
MEAT- Modern Evil Awe-inspiring Things
Modern Evil Above Typical
AMEN- Amazing Modern Evil Niche
FAME- Fantasic Arts- Modern Evil
LAME- Logically Absent Modern Evil
MERCURIAL- Modern Evil Relaxed Chattels Uncensored, Relentless, Intellectual And Libidinous
i didn’t do all of them, but here’s a few suggestions!
MEAT- Modern Evil Awe-inspiring Things
Modern Evil Above Typical
AMEN- Amazing Modern Evil Niche
FAME- Fantasic Arts- Modern Evil
LAME- Logically Absent Modern Evil
MERCURIAL- Modern Evil Relaxed Chattels Uncensored, Relentless, Intellectual And Libidinous
i didn’t do all of them, but here’s a few suggestions!