
I believe the link is courtesy Scott McCloud, but what do I know? I’m all over the web tonight.

This comic is fantastic. Well, it looks like it’s a series, and I have no idea about other instances of said comic, but this particular one (you’ll know it’s the right one because of the sun and the flower, trust me) just blew me away as I patiently waited for the images to slide down my low-bandwidth line. I mean, fantastic use of panels, and of layout actually being an integral part of the story, and and excellent use of the “infinite canvas” of the web. How big a sheet of paper would this have to be printed on? But here it is as it is meant to be enjoyed, on the infinitely flexible canvas of the web.


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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.