Comics ideas

Okay, so I recently read this article about how one guy would like to see webcomics make better use of the things that seperate the web world from the print world. Now, he bashes the infinite canvas and Scott Mccloud pretty bad, but he does have some not-unreasonable suggestions. Some of them I have thought of and have scripts for interactive comics hiding from me somewhere among my infinite ‘stuff’. Others I don’t think I like (telling the same story in different genres based on the end-user’s preference? Shouldn’t the genre of the story have been selected in the first place to help tell the story, not because it is irrelevent to the story?), or think need to be re-thought-out. Plus, I love the idea of the infinite canvas, even if I haven’t exactly worked out how to implement it yet.

I’d like an interactive infinite canvas, please.

Some people, having read this article, have said that making comics interactive turns them into games. I disagree. Partially because I read the article and it turned something on in my brain. Something in the article must have seemed like a challenge to me, because my brain started working out ways to create the interactive comic being called for here, in one way or another. But an interactive comic not for the sake of interactivity, but for the sake of the story. And I did. Come up with an idea, I mean. For a comic where an unconscious choice by the reader towards the beginning of the comic changes the way the story unfolds. And where the story has an entirely different character depending upon that unconscious choice, but where I basically don’t have to do any crazy programming or complicated server-side stuff or even do any extra drawings or script-writing to create the alternate versions than I do for the first one I create. So then when I saw them say it would turn the comic into a game, I thought of the comic I’m going to have created very soon (if I were at home, I’d have already drawn quite a bit of it by now), and disagreed. I’ll show them what I mean when I post it in a week or three.

(Assuming the world doesn’t end Sunday/Monday.)

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “Comics ideas”

  1. So you are making comics right? Listen I dont know what to do. You see, this guy who owns a magazine asked me to make a comic series for him (3 pages the month) and I absolutely dont know what to do! My problem is that I have ideas that are not original, so please help me if you can. I’ve tried to make a story with vampires and that kind of stuff but… I just cant make it.
    By the way, my name is Menis, and I am from Greece and… please REPLY!!!

  2. So you are making comics right? Listen I dont know what to do. You see, this guy who owns a magazine asked me to make a comic series for him (3 pages the month) and I absolutely dont know what to do! My problem is that I have ideas that are not original, so please help me if you can. I’ve tried to make a story with vampires and that kind of stuff but… I just cant make it.
    By the way, my name is Menis, and I am from Greece and… please REPLY!!!

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