Adjusted Calendar

Okay. I’ve got a PHP function written that converts dates to the Adjusted Calendar (A.C.) I use. I’ve set it up not to convert dates before 111.0 A.C., and I haven’t at this moment finished implementing it across all of FYTH, but you should see A.C. dates appearing all over FYTH almost immediately. I’m also going to look into writing a function that generates a month-style calendar similar to the one that was in the upper-right-hand corner of FYTH in the past, but with A.C. months. Because A.C. was designed to be easy, this shouldn’t be too difficult… except that because the aggrarian calendar I have to teach my computer to convert from was designed to be difficult, it may be a day or two.

Oh, and for those of you who bothered to read the two long posts I made yesterday, an update: As soon as my grandfather feels well enough again to get started (we’ve been working on watering (scheduled irrigation, you know?) since around 6AM, and he still gets worn out fast), I’m apparently going to be working metal today. Woo.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

12 thoughts on “Adjusted Calendar”

  1. Okay, now I’m testing the comments re-dating system. Let’s see if it works!

  2. Okay, now I’m testing the comments re-dating system. Let’s see if it works!

  3. Is the third time the charm?

    And as long as I’m commenting…

    Hey, you guys. I’m thinking of switching the main Modern Evil interface over to reflect A.C., and I was wondering what you thought of that. Let me know.

  4. Is the third time the charm?

    And as long as I’m commenting…

    Hey, you guys. I’m thinking of switching the main Modern Evil interface over to reflect A.C., and I was wondering what you thought of that. Let me know.

  5. You always tell me to be completly honest. Well Teel I don’t like the idea. I know, you know how to read all the dates but the rest of us don’t. Want I can recomend though is maybe if you list both of them next too eachother so that the rest of us can understand and hopefully learn.

  6. You always tell me to be completly honest. Well Teel I don’t like the idea. I know, you know how to read all the dates but the rest of us don’t. Want I can recomend though is maybe if you list both of them next too eachother so that the rest of us can understand and hopefully learn.

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