Is it cold in here?

Okay, so I’m too cheap to turn on the gas heater and my space heater keeps tripping my surge protection when I try to run it at the same time as the TV & DVD Player and computer. So, err.. It’s getting cold in here. The cute little flame-shaped thermometer I have says it’s about 58 degrees. Is that really cold, or am I just unaccustomed to cold? What temperature do normal people keep their houses in the winter? Not necessarily in this area. I’d be interested to know how warm people keep their homes where it stays below zero during the day, too. For reference. I may have to turn on the heat.

Because you know what? It feels pretty cold to me. Colder outside, sure, but pretty cold. I’m even layered. I have on my flannel-lined jeans, a T-Shirt, and a thick mock-turtle T-shirt (long-sleeved). Afraid to take off my shoes, too, since my feet have poor circulation to begin with.

Gha. I’m really just wasting time. Gotta get back to work. I absolutely must finish these Value Scales before I go to bed. Probably won’t get a chance to work on my novel at all tonight. Le Sigh.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

6 thoughts on “Is it cold in here?”

  1. I like to keep it a balmy 65 degrees, my wife likes it a bit warmer at 70

    We try to keep it within 30 degrees of outside, hot or cold..

  2. I like to keep it a balmy 65 degrees, my wife likes it a bit warmer at 70

    We try to keep it within 30 degrees of outside, hot or cold..

  3. So some cloud cover kept the overnight temperature pretty high, and my house didn’t get below 63 degrees tonight. I have to tell you, after a week at around 55, 65 feels fine. Zoe, I’d be fine at your place at 65. Because at least it isn’t 55!

    Hooray not 55!

  4. So some cloud cover kept the overnight temperature pretty high, and my house didn’t get below 63 degrees tonight. I have to tell you, after a week at around 55, 65 feels fine. Zoe, I’d be fine at your place at 65. Because at least it isn’t 55!

    Hooray not 55!

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