So, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here enough, but I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep at a reasonable time lately. And getting up at a reasonable time, as well. Tonight I went out for a bike-ride and when I got home a little before seven, I was actually tired enough to fall alseep, so I laid down and actually managed to get to sleep pretty quickly, and well before 3AM. Except then a bit after 9, Marie gave me a call and chatted for twenty minutes, and now my mind is fully on, and no matter how tired I am (I tried getting back to sleep, and my brain simply would not shut up) I can’t get back to sleep.
Except I need to get up tomorrow morning to go apply where Marie works & try to convince them to hire me even though I can’t possibly attend their official training class. Then at noon I need to be at the opposite end of Tempe to meet with someone from Primerica, to try to start doing that, too.
With what now amounts to a nap, I doubt I’ll be able to get to sleep before 3AM AGAIN. Stupid fucking awake. I just wanted to be asleep.
I don’t even have any homework to do, since both of my classes just had portfolios due. I do have plenty of movies to watch, though. Due to mis-calculation last week, there were two more movies than I knew of opening. This week open another five, plus one more I’ve been wanting to see for about a month, to boot. That’s eight movies, folks. Theoretically, I’ll be seeing one of them Saturday with Zoe. We’ll see how the rest of that works out. I think it depends on how I feel after talking to Primerica. They’re the sort of place I can work for in addition to the other job I’m trying to get & make potentially a large amount of money. We’ll see after I get more official information and agree to drink their kool-aid tomorrow. Or was it some other ritual? Maybe I should go apply to work for the Scientologists, afterall.