Creepy costumes guy

So while I was wandering around downtown Tempe today, I finally got myself to venture into the Costume shop that I’ve known was there for years, but have never bothered visiting since I really don’t need a costume. I did manage to buy a little cream makeup for my head for halloween (you may see the finished effect if you see me that night), though the costume shop guy emphasized that he really doesn’t have much in the way of retail products, except what may be needed to go with costumes he has available for rent, so i was lucky to find the clown makeup I was looking for. While I was there I saw that he had quite a lot of costumes packed from wal-to-wall in his tiny shop, and I’m sure that if you’re looking for a costume, he has something that will appeal to you at what seem like reasonable rental prices. Before I left, he mentioned his website and gave me a flyer. Now, since I’m still not in the market for a costume, I was simply going to ignore the website’s very existence, until just a few moments ago as I was cleaning up the living room a bit and took a look at the flyer.

Something about it struck me as odd. I think it’s something about that costume shop guy himself. I noticed it when i was in his presence at the store this morning, and it really came through in the photo of him dressed up as a pimp on the flyer. “Wait,” I thought to myself as I noticed that the ‘model’ in the photo was also apparently the owner and operator of the costume shop, “if he’s the pimp, I wonder if he’s in these other cosutmes…” It turned out that every male pictured on the flyer, the pimp, the musketeer, the civil war general, the international man of mystery, the gay blade, and the circa 20’s gangster were all that same guy. It was pretty creepy.

I leapt up and punched the address into my browser Take a look at this series of costume photos. For a while, I thought that the creepy thing about these photos was that it was the same creepy guy in every photo, or the creepy look on his face that seems to embody a loathing for dressing up in costumes and an impatience with life all at once, or even the strangeness of the whole thing when I realised that he was the model and the photographer, taking dozens of photos of himself… was just creepy. Then I realised just how many different women he was photographed with. This creepy little guy hasn’t just got one paid model in to do a photo-shoot with him in a variety of costumes, he’s got literally dozens of different women on his arm. Dozens.

Now, are these people off the street? Is he doing so well in the costumes business that he can afford to hire dozens of female models to pose with him (and if so, why not get some male models so he doesn’t have to go through the apparent torture of actually wearing the costumes)? Is this a series of girlfriends and lovers and kinky sex addicts he’s got dressing up in his costumes to fulfill their fantasies, whom he photographs before he ravages? How creepy is it to picture this guy ravaging dozens of women in kinky ways?

So, there you have it. Creepy costumes guy. Go rent a costume from him. If you’re roughly his siz,e you can bet he’s not only worn it, but had it torn off him by a sex-starved nymphette just looking for a good time. Maybe you can find the same girl to rip it off you. Heck, that should be your basis for choosing a costume; look through the photos on the site & choose a young woman you’d like to ravage yoruself, and then rent the costume the costume shop guy was wearing next to her.

Or don’t.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “Creepy costumes guy”

  1. It’s the same woman in each photo. So Creepy Costume Guy probably has a Creepy Costume Wife and the Creepy Costume Couple probably enjoy dressing up in thier Creepy Costumes. Whatever scenerio suits you…

  2. It’s the same woman in each photo. So Creepy Costume Guy probably has a Creepy Costume Wife and the Creepy Costume Couple probably enjoy dressing up in thier Creepy Costumes. Whatever scenerio suits you…

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