The last nine things posted anywhere on Modern Evil (10 with this post) were by me, here. Only a couple of days ago, I updated the “Most Recent” list to show a maximum of ten posts from FYTH instead of the normal limit of 5 posts from any one section of the site. What this does normally is prevents one person from overwhelming the site, and allows visitors to the site to see what other people are posting in other areas of Modern Evil. Except that what it was doing with FYTH at 5 posts was showing three+ weeks of everything else and cutting off 10 FYTH posts that occurred in a shorter time, making it appear as though I wasn’t posting much on FYTH. So, I upped it to 10, and that was good for a bit, making FYTH allowed to have a full half of the 20 “most recent” posts in the list, but now I’ve used them all up without anyone posting anything else on the site. So there’s the last 10 things I posted on FYTH, and then the last 10 things that weren’t on FYTH, regardless of how many FYTH posts were made in the time that those other 10 posts were made.
So, the question is, do I further increase the limit on FYTH, so that people can see all the different things I’ve been posting, since I make something like 75%+ of the posts anyway, or do I leave it the way it is and hope other people start posting more? I tried to get Angela to post a review of XXX this week, but she didn’t do it. I know Marie has plenty of spare time and web-access at work now, but I guess she just doesn’t have anything to say. Do you want to be able to add posts in Modern Evil’s Reviews, Ramblings, Poetry, and/or Fiction sections? Do you want to start your own Modern Evil-hosted blog? Do you know someone who might be interested in either of the following? Let me know! You can email me at I’d be glad to set you up, if it means we get more quality posts from people other than me.
I mean, I like writing, and I’m glad people are reading it, and I’m glad I have so much to say lately, but … I’d love to see other people contributing, too.
Oh, and seriously folks, send emails to with questions for a sort of “Dear Edison,” column. He says he’s only got one question sent to him so far, and he needs to start with a few more to really get the feature going. Ask him relationship questions, medical questions, gardening questions, questions about TV or movies or books or whatever else you have a question about. He’d like to help.
My security settings don’t let me log into my blog here, and I emailed my self a url that was logged in, but it wanted me to log in again. If you can perma log me in and email me the url, I would love to post, I have a million things to say, so many that I even do a diary at home again. I am jonesing from my blog, posting when I’m pissed at Dave just doesn’t cut it for me.
My security settings don’t let me log into my blog here, and I emailed my self a url that was logged in, but it wanted me to log in again. If you can perma log me in and email me the url, I would love to post, I have a million things to say, so many that I even do a diary at home again. I am jonesing from my blog, posting when I’m pissed at Dave just doesn’t cut it for me.
My security settings don’t let me log into my blog here, and I emailed my self a url that was logged in, but it wanted me to log in again. If you can perma log me in and email me the url, I would love to post, I have a million things to say, so many that I even do a diary at home again. I am jonesing from my blog, posting when I’m pissed at Dave just doesn’t cut it for me.