Okay, so readership is up lately, which is a good thing. People are finding the site. I’d like to thank Google’s regular spidering of my site for a lot of the hits we’ve been getting lately. For instance, for yesterday, July 1st alone, these are the top 30 search engine keywords for people who searchd google and got to a page on Modern Evil. Did you know we have oozing feet, nurse entrepreneurs, and may suffer withdrawal symptoms from crack? I sure did.
1. someonelikesyou 2
2. winkin blinkin nod 2
3. antibiotic; dermititis 1
4. bi slut community 1
5. blind apartment hunting 1
6. bushel and peck 1
7. diabetes itchy 1
8. fibro mialgia 1
9. free bleeding type action for photoshop 5 1
10. happy noodle boy 1
11. homemade rollercoaster 1
12. house hold stop sweating 1
13. just preteens 1
14. messaage 1
15. nurse entreprenuer 1
16. oozing feet 1
17. persaverance 1
18. song i am your superman 1
19. stick figure comics 1
20. stick figure matrix 1
21. sweet bare feet 1
22. voyuers at work 1
23. what is your ya ya sister name? 1
24. winkin blinkin 1
25. winkin blinkin and nod song 1
26. winkin’ blinkin’ and nod 1
27. winkin, blinkin and nod 1
28. withdrawl symtoms from crack 1
29. ya ya sister name
you look sexy
you look sexy
I wish I knew how to respond to that.
Thank you, I guess.
Are you a regular reader or a first time visitor, I wonder…
Here’s hoping I hear from you again in the future. I’d email you, but that email address seems to be invalid…
I wish I knew how to respond to that.
Thank you, I guess.
Are you a regular reader or a first time visitor, I wonder…
Here’s hoping I hear from you again in the future. I’d email you, but that email address seems to be invalid…