Take a look at this article: “Ailing Man Sues Fast-Food Firms“.
Basically, in a move similar to smokers suing tobacco companies because using tobacco products caused medical problems, a new class-action suit is being created by the obese suing fast food companies because eating too much fast food made them obese & caused medical problems. Smokers won. Maybe eaters will too. Maybe the obese can be financially compensated, we can introduce new taxes on fatty foods (this is already in the works, actually) and put warning labels on all potentially dangerous fast food items. “SURGEON GENERAL
I remember this from a few months ago.. I swear, society is starting to really reallly frighten me.
I remember this from a few months ago.. I swear, society is starting to really reallly frighten me.
Give me a friggin’ break! Not eating junk food takes WILL POWER—something many people are obviously lacking if they can’t stop themselves from pulling over and eating a big mac. People shouldn’t complain about their self-inflicted medical conditions like they are totally incompitant of taking responsiblity for their actions. If we put tax on fast food because people can’t control their addictions then we better put one on sugar, salt, and caffine too. Those also cause medical conditions. Or how about breathing? Breathing is dangerouse these days too…hey! let’s put a tax on my misspelled words! I have no will power to get out my dictionary!
Give me a friggin’ break! Not eating junk food takes WILL POWER—something many people are obviously lacking if they can’t stop themselves from pulling over and eating a big mac. People shouldn’t complain about their self-inflicted medical conditions like they are totally incompitant of taking responsiblity for their actions. If we put tax on fast food because people can’t control their addictions then we better put one on sugar, salt, and caffine too. Those also cause medical conditions. Or how about breathing? Breathing is dangerouse these days too…hey! let’s put a tax on my misspelled words! I have no will power to get out my dictionary!
Give me a friggin’ break! Not eating junk food takes WILL POWER—something many people are obviously lacking if they can’t stop themselves from pulling over and eating a big mac. People shouldn’t complain about their self-inflicted medical conditions like they are totally incompitant of taking responsiblity for their actions. If we put tax on fast food because people can’t control their addictions then we better put one on sugar, salt, and caffine too. Those also cause medical conditions. Or how about breathing? Breathing is dangerouse these days too…hey! let’s put a tax on my misspelled words! I have no will power to get out my dictionary!
Breathing is already taxed nowadays, it’s sort of built in to our pollution issues.
My friend Kelly in San Diego is having a right fun time breathing right now, for example, what with the fires and the ash snowing down on her and her lack of central air conditioning because she lives near the beach where she usually can just pop open the window for some cooler air.
Breathing is already taxed nowadays, it’s sort of built in to our pollution issues.
My friend Kelly in San Diego is having a right fun time breathing right now, for example, what with the fires and the ash snowing down on her and her lack of central air conditioning because she lives near the beach where she usually can just pop open the window for some cooler air.
Breathing is already taxed nowadays, it’s sort of built in to our pollution issues.
My friend Kelly in San Diego is having a right fun time breathing right now, for example, what with the fires and the ash snowing down on her and her lack of central air conditioning because she lives near the beach where she usually can just pop open the window for some cooler air.