I think my favorite part of today’s whole procedure regarding this topic is that like most stories, I had workedd out how this one was going to come together before I had even finished with the first part and even found out that the conclusion I had imagined would be possible. I knew so far in advnce how things would go that before I even posted the first post, I knew there would be three parts. Now, on with part three:
So immediately after I posted part 2, I left work and went directly to the office of Re-Admissions. I waited a few moments for the first person to talk to me, and I told her what she needed to hear to know that she should have me wait to speak to a Senior Consultant. Which she did. There was a tinge of fear in her eye as I spoke one brief sentence that reassured me that I would have no problem speaking to someone who actually knew what they were talking about. I was suprized that I was able to speak to someone after only about another five minutes.
The Senior Consultant at first, of course, didn’t understand what my problem was at first, since the information I had been given over a month ago, and then by two different people on the phone earlier in the day was ridiculously wrong and incomplete. After a moment of myself explaining what I had been told and her looking up my record in the computer and in the hard copy of the results from last week’s meeting, she explained what seems to be the truth: To be re-admitted to the College of Fine Arts, I need to have an ASU GPA of no less than 2.0. (Note: My ASU GPA is 1.90. The person I spoke to a month ago should have seen this and directed me to take action OTHER THAN petitioning to change colleges.) I can make up my ASU GPA by taking actual courses at ASU during any summer session; this has always been open, even immediately following my disqualification, which would have got me back into classes at ASU four years ago had I been given the correct information at that time. I can also take classes at AZ Community Colleges for transfer to show my ability to resume an academic courseload at a reasonable GPA, though this will not actually raise my ASU GPA. I suggested to the Senior Consultant, pointing to the place on the computer screen where I failed English 221, “Could I re-take English 221 this summer? What would that do for me?” Her response, of course, was that if I were able to get a B or higher, my ASU GPA would be 2.0 or higher, and I would be automatically re-admitted to ASU in the Fall. She went on to explain that if at that time I would like to re-apply to be accepted by the College of Fine Arts, I may, and though there would be more paperwork, it would be easier than trying to switch at the same time as readmission.
She made a note on my account that I had been re-admitted for Summer Session only (I guess the re-admission process for Summer Session goes like this: “Hey, can I take a summer course at ASU?” “Got a pulse?” “Yup” “Sure. Go see an advisor.”), and advised me to go get a CLAS advisor to put their mark on my account saying I had been approved to take ENG 221. All of this took less time than I had spent waiting for her, and I was on my way to SS111 to get an advisor to put his little electronic signature on my account. I arrived at the advisement office at 3:40. This office, and the office of the registrar, and probably the book store and the financial offices, close at 5:00. I was told when I walked in that I might not be able to see an advisor before they left at 5. I opted to sign up and wait it out. Each person that went in to see one of the two advisors spent 15-20 minutes, and when I entered the room, there were four people apparent. As time passed, people who had been waiting someplace else kept showing up just before they were called in. I nearly began to worry that I might not make it in time. At 4:39 PM my name was called. At 4:41, I was on my way to the registrar. If you know the right sentences, and have the right marks on your account, you can get through just about any red tape.
My eidetic memory helped me fill out the registration form without even trying to find an elusive summer course schedule (I had looked up the times and numeration of the class earlier in the day, online, and had verified the number of empty seats), and I was in and out of there in just a couple of minutes and on my way to the bookstore. I noticed the amount of money I was paying to take a class I have already paid to take. I realize now the value of passing classes is not merely intellectual. I purchased the new edition of the book for the class (I own the sixth edition, but this class calls for the seventh edition (now with an audio CD so you can hear what Old and Middle English are supposed to sound like!), so I went ahead and bought it.), and stepped over to the MU to try to catch a bite to eat before everything closed. I looked at my phone; it was now just before 5:00. Everything looked like it had been closed for a while, but I smelled warm food, so I followed my nose until I found that one place was open, and had a delicious tortellini and Italian sausage plate. Looked like it had just come out of wherever those steamer trays full of food come from.
I headed over to the classroom, phoned in my credit card number to pay for the class, and proceeded to read the preface of the book and get to know the early-comers to the class (it was now about ten after 5) as I waited for it to begin. We all speculated about the fact that the schedule listed a male professor and I had seen a woman say she was the instructor and then disappear, just as I was arriving at the classroom. We speculated about the fact that the schedule said there was to be an “internet session” Thursdays from 1 to 3:50, and was that supposed to be in addition to or in place of the also scheduled regular classtime meeting Thursdays from 6 to 8:50.
And then at around 6:00 today, I was a student again. This morning I was “Denied” from from being able to go to school, even after waiting an additional three months. I denied them that though, cut through their mess without getting upset with anyone in person, and resumed student status, all within around 6 hours of hearing the word “Denied.” The “Denied” status I received this morning will be meaningless as long as I earn a B or better in this class, because I will automatically regain my standing at ASU for Fall/Spring semesters. Even waiting the recommended but not required semester in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences shouldn’t be a problem because even having to declare a POS to continue, with the new catalog, I have scores of general undergrad classes to take that apply University-wide.
And no matter what, I’m going to get some serious advisement this time around. Way back when I started trying to do the college thing, no one bothered to tell me what an advisor was even for. Or anything else about college. I didn’t learn all that until after I stopped attending. Second hand from other people who had been told, and were attending or planning to attend college. Did you know that you’re supposed to start planning your college career no later than the beginning of your Junior year in HS, though earlier planning can only help? I didn’t get started planning my college career until over four years after I got kicked out of college. I’m going to try to do it right this time.