(Average annual vacation days: Italy 42; France 37; Germany 35; Brazil 34; Britain 28; Canada 26; South Korea 25; Japan 25; U.S. 13.)
If I count my personal days as vacation days, I have 13/year, which I guess is the national average. Still, it seems a little shoddy compared to the Japanese, who get twice that, or the Italians, who apparently only work 10 months out of the year. I’m having trouble finding the exact numbers online right now, but I’ve read a couple of times that worldwide, America has the longest workweek of any industrialized nation, averaging 48hrs/week. European nations are said to average 30 or 31hrs/week. They work fewer hours per week, they take more than an entire month off every year, and they are more productive per capita than America. We are doing it all wrong over here.
I totally meant to write more about that. Except, with this headache I forgot what I was going to say…
I totally meant to write more about that. Except, with this headache I forgot what I was going to say…