Having sex with teens will cost a cow.

Breaking news today from Swaziland. For the next five years, any teenage girls who become pregnant outside of wedlock and any men who impregnate a teenage girl will be fined one cow.

Iain suggested that the cows could be used as a substitute in the interim, but I for one don’t think even men from Swaziland are potent enough to impregnate cows.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “Having sex with teens will cost a cow.”

  1. We should fine the terrorists one cow for every American life they aborted in the bombing.

    That’ll show ’em.

  2. We should fine the terrorists one cow for every American life they aborted in the bombing.

    That’ll show ’em.

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