I had most of these numbers a week ago, but there were some delays, between Lightning Source, Amazon, and other projects I’ve been working on (Hey! The paperback edition of the Lost and Not Found – Director’s Cut was approved by Lightning Source today and my order for 50 copies went through! Are you excited?) and … well, then I forgot I hadn’t posted anything yet. So first I’ll give you some of the numbers for March 2010, then for Q1 overall. Let’s start with free eBook & podiobook downloads. Podiobook numbers are listed as final-episode-downloads/total-episode-downloads:
- Lost and Not Found: 74 eBooks, 85/1,695 Podiobooks
- Dragons’ Truth: 96 eBooks, 150/1,393 Podiobooks
- Forget What You Can’t Remember: 84 eBooks, 95/3,110 Podiobooks
- Untrue Tales… Book One: 81 eBooks, 292/3,318 Podiobooks
- Untrue Tales… Book Two: 70 eBooks, 268/3,529 Podiobooks
- Untrue Tales… Book Three: 70 eBooks, 152/1,581 Podiobooks
- Cheating, Death: 0 eBooks, 293/4,253 Podiobooks
- Total FREE downloads: 475 eBooks, 1,335/18,879 Podiobooks
Note that Cheating, Death is not currently available as a free eBook. I’ll change that, soon, I think. Now paid digital downloads. I had zero smashwords sales in March.
- Dragons’ Truth: 1 kindle
- Cheating, Death: 1 kindle
- More Lost Memories, individual stories: 3 kindle
- Total paid eBooks: 5 downloads, $5.08 net
I also sold a few paper books (& some art) in March, at the First Friday Art Walk & wholesale via LSI:
- Worth 1k — Volume 2: 2 copies by hand
- Second Thoughts chapbook: 1 copy by hand
- Cheating, Death: 1 copy wholesale
- Art: 1 painting, 1 mini-painting, 1 crocheted item
- Total (paper) book sales: 4 books, $24.44 net
- Total art sales: 3 works of art, $125 net
The order I made today for paperback copies of Lost and Not Found – Director’s Cut cost about $145. (ie: everything I just earned) This is intentional; even if they don’t sell right away, they’re already covered by income I’ve already earned. But hopefully they’ll sell, too.
So, for Quarter One of 2010, we have:
- 1,535 free eBook dl’s, 17 paid eBook dl’s, for $22.51 net
- 5,109 dl’s of final Podiobook episodes, 72,171 total episodes dl’d
- Podiobooks donations for Q1 were $29.97, my cut was $22.48.
- 4 paperbacks & 8 chapbooks by hand, 3 paperbacks wholesale, for $57.07
- 1 painting, 5 mini-paintings, & 1 crocheted item sold, for $170
- Gross income for Q1: $272.06
That’s about 4 cents per free download of one of my books, by the way, assuming you include the art income. (w/o art income, it’s about 1.5 cents per copy)