What fun chapter 3 has been! About 2400 words in a little under 3 hours, and most of it was rock’em sock’em zombie-pocalypse fun to write! I mean, look at my last few tweets:
“12:30AM – time to start writing again, right? Have I mentioned I love my job & don’t want to lose it? Love, love, love being a creative.” – from about 12:30AM
“Chapter 3 starts out with a bang. 750+ words in 50 minutes isn’t bad, especially if it’s as fun a scene as that.” – from about 1:20AM
“I wonder if I can keep this up for the rest of the book. Another 50mins, another 850+ words of intense zombie awesomeness for Chapter 3.” – from about 2:10AM
And now it’s about 3:15AM and Chapter 3 is live on Smashwords. Plus the whole thing is still free. Don’t you want to see what I’m so excited about?
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