E-Books coming online

Alright, it took me roughly twice as long as I was hoping to get this far, but I’ve spent roughly 32 hours of the last 40 working on getting my books converted to a variety of E-Book formats and uploaded to my site and a couple of others. There’s still work to do (I have to fax some paperwork to Lightning Source to get set up for E-Books there, and maybe convert to a couple more formats for that), but I’m as done as I can be for right now.

Which is to say that my novels are now available as screen readable PDFs, printable PDFs (galley-like layout), basic HTML, RTF, Mobi, .epub*, and plaintext files. They are also available for purchase on the Amazon Kindle. All my print books (including poetry) will (soon?) be fully searchable on Google Book Search & purchasable via same as E-Books. After I get them set up via Lightning Source, they will also be available for purchase through all major online E-Book retailers, but that could be a couple of weeks.  Oh, and I also created preview PDFs of my poetry books – I don’t want to give those away for free in their entirety, and think their format doesn’t work as well as E-Books.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll be recording audiobooks almost full time for a while, and accompanying videos soon thereafter. For now: sleep.

*I’m not sure that my .epub files are formatted correctly – I couldn’t get several of them to open with Adobe Digital Editions, but they did open in other readers. I haven’t tested them on my PC yet, only my Mac.  Anyone use the .epub format who might be willing to assist with getting these to work better / look better?  Thanks

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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