Video Games // Spending

I like the idea of video games. I like having them available. I like feeling as though, if I had the time and decided to, I could be playing an awesome and fun game. I like having Super Mario Galaxy on my shelf, though admittedly I haven’t played it more than twice. I like having Assassin’s Creed, though I know I’ll disappear into it for several hours if I start it up at all… So i don’t. There are several other games out there I want. The Darkness. Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Rock Band. et cetera. But mostly what I want is the potential to play them. To know they’re available. Now. Or later, if I want. Or if I had a friend, to play with or show them to. And it’s very similar with all these DVDs, and to a more … Virtual extent, all these books. I like them available. I don’t want to wait hours or days or more and to spend silly amounts of money renting them for brief use, or waiting for netflix… Because when I want to watch something all of a sudden, waiting 4+ days isn’t satisfactory.

Well, I’m off to see a movie in theatre.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.