(re-posted from a comment I made on my LJ this morning)
I am terrible sick. My whole body aches, my head and face ache, my throat is sore (though whether from the deep, burning coughing which began yesterday afternoon (and hasn’t let up) or the fluids draining down my throat that began last night, I don’t know. I haven’t found a thermometer yet, but I’m probably running a high fever. Uhgg… and starting this morning, nausea to boot – every time I feel a cough coming on, it feels like it’ll push me to dry heave. I better eat something.
I’m pretty sure I just pushed myself too far. Up late Thursday (Star Wars), up early-ish Friday because I’d intended to get some work done on the house before dad arrived. Been stressed out at work for a couple of weeks, between money and looking for another job and then my boss coming to me to tell me I was working too slow… well, she emailed me to say she needed to speak with me Wednesday, but spoke to me Friday because she’s real busy – so that was extra stress. Then, when I got home Friday, we began the hard labor and worked until 11 or 12, but with myold schedule, I couldn’t get to sleep until 1… and then my dad woke me (after a stern conversation with him Friday night about how to communicate better) before 6AM and we worked until around 11, when it started to get too hot.
Okay, then we showered and relaxed for a few minutes before driving across town; my dad was to work my Angela’s AC while April cut my hair a bit. Do to problems of time and space, I showed up at the salon at 1 for a 1:30 appointment, and she wasn’t ready for me until after 2. So I set in the salon, playing my DS, and apparently breathing whatever poisons were coming off the ladies head’s for an hour. No one else seemed to notice/mind, so I wasn’t too worried about it, but almost as soon as I left, I had this cough. My dad and I went to watch Star Wars while we waited for the sun to descend, and after about twenty minutes I began to feel awful. Body ache, pain in my feet and head, the cough, it was pretty bad. When we got home (after a brief stop at Home Depot) I took a handful of pills and lay down until my head (mostly) stopped throbbing – but my dad went right to work, and Heath was … a little slow on the uptake.
Anyway, around 7 I was beginning to feel less like shit, though I kept getting dizzy, and I went out and we worked (dad was angry by now, though not about the job, so that was extra-stress-y) until about midnight. I showered again, and collapsed into bed. Which I just woke up from, because laying down seems incompatible with my sinuses and my cough. I wonder if I can sleep sitting up.
So, work on the house has been coming along. A little slower than we’d all hoped, but it’s progress. I don’t know how much I can help today, or lead. Oh well. Dad said we did good work yesterday. That’s a major shift.
Right after I posted this, around 7AM, I found a thermometer. My temperature was 103 degrees. I’ve rested most of the day, and dad got the fiberglass into the east wall and put the plywood back up, so we’ve still got to put styrofoam and chicken wire on that wall, but at least it’s not left exposed or half-done. My eyes hurt the most, I think. Not the most intense pain, but the most consistent. If they look any direction other that straight ahead, there’s pain. The tiny spot of burning pain at the top of my throat and the infrequent coughing (I’m medicated) aren’t as bad. The body ache is pretty bad, and if I lay down, the headache is insane. But my eyes. Also, my skin is hypersensitive, and 82/83 degrees feels really cold. I keep going outside and sitting in the shade to warm up.
I’m supposed to work 10 hours tomorrow. Whee!
Hey, I hope you’ve gone to a doctor. Some things, like say, pneumonia, can be deadly when put off or ingnored. Anyway, I still check your blog on a daily basis. Take care of yourself!!!
Hey, I hope you’ve gone to a doctor. Some things, like say, pneumonia, can be deadly when put off or ingnored. Anyway, I still check your blog on a daily basis. Take care of yourself!!!
Alas, I have no medical insurance or ‘extra’ money to pay a doctor. I’ve been to a doctor once in the last … nine years, I think, and he wasn’t very good… I wouldn’t know how to find a new doctor, even if I COULD afford it.
So, hopefully I’m not going to die. But if I do… Well, that’s that.
Alas, I have no medical insurance or ‘extra’ money to pay a doctor. I’ve been to a doctor once in the last … nine years, I think, and he wasn’t very good… I wouldn’t know how to find a new doctor, even if I COULD afford it.
So, hopefully I’m not going to die. But if I do… Well, that’s that.
Okay, so. There’s something wrong with the date/time on this thing. I wrote that at about 8:43, not 9:43. Which, err.. meant I was running late-ish for leaving for work, and didn’t have time to take my temperature. I’m sure it’s lower, though. I feel significantly better today than yesterday.
In fact, by the time I woke up, my laying-down-related headache was only about as bad as the less-terrible headache I’d had sitting up or standing yesterday, and sitting up wasn’t so bad at all. Of course, with OTC medications, (generic dayquil) I’m doing pretty good. And of course, I’ve been taking extra Vitamin C.
Okay, so. There’s something wrong with the date/time on this thing. I wrote that at about 8:43, not 9:43. Which, err.. meant I was running late-ish for leaving for work, and didn’t have time to take my temperature. I’m sure it’s lower, though. I feel significantly better today than yesterday.
In fact, by the time I woke up, my laying-down-related headache was only about as bad as the less-terrible headache I’d had sitting up or standing yesterday, and sitting up wasn’t so bad at all. Of course, with OTC medications, (generic dayquil) I’m doing pretty good. And of course, I’ve been taking extra Vitamin C.