I had a sad sort of half-dream this morning as I lazed in and out of sleep all morning… there were a few snippets of visions, but the one that came closest to catching my attention, making me believe, getting me out of bed to see if it was true …
I dreamt someone had commented on one of my posts. I remember seeing the email that meant someone had commented, and then … then I went to my website and there were half a dozen flowers, mostly blue, but at least one yellow, that I hadn’t planted. People were posting on my site again.
I dream about this place. I dream about getting comments, about people clicking on that log and posting things.
Did you know I added a new author, gave someone new access to the basic areas of Modern Evil a couple of months ago … in my dream, some of the posts were hers.
The other snippets of dream were all about her, too…