Slipping fingers

I was working on a post last night when I accidentlly slipped a bit and closed my browser completely. Poof, no post.

At this point I’ve slept a few hours, so don’t remember prceisely what I was trying to get across, but I remember I was switching tabs when I hit the wrong keys, trying to link you to the BitPass link to UTFBF Book Two, only 53 cents for the work-in-progress, which contains over 4k words of a sex scene that some have said “may split your mind in two.” It comes highly recommended.

Anyway, another day, another meaningless post. But perhaps I’ll have moer time tonight. No plans for tonight after work as of yet. So, probably … reading. And some writing.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Slipping fingers”

  1. One other thing: Apple should be announcing new products today. Steve’s keynote at MacworldSF starts at 10AM our time, so the website should be updated around noon our time.

    Should be some really neat new things available. I keep hoping one of them is a phone.

  2. One other thing: Apple should be announcing new products today. Steve’s keynote at MacworldSF starts at 10AM our time, so the website should be updated around noon our time.

    Should be some really neat new things available. I keep hoping one of them is a phone.

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