ie: the list of things I’ll buy for myself in the new year when I’ve earnedenough money to cover the stuff I’m buying other people this week.
The Ultimate Matrix Collection*
A Hydrogen Rocket*
Felicity Season 2
(a copy of the thing what I ordered for Angela on the internets today)
A new mobile phone** (though really what I want is to switch from Verizon to Cingular)
iPod socks
did I mention sweaters?***
Naked Lunch Criterion DVD
Equilibrium DVD
Nintendo DS, and Warioware for DS and XX/XY and other games for it that I will like
Any bottle of properly aged single malt scotch whisky (I am starting a collection)
*covered in the prior post/list
**because the hinge on the one I’ve had for coming on two years just broke, and I suspect that the phone is not long for this world. Unfortunately, my father’s finagling of everyone’s Verizon contracts means that instead of ending at the start of April (ie: just over 3 months from now), my Verizon contract ends in the middle of October (ie: 10 months from now). Grrr… SO I’ll have to soon purchase a new Verizon-compatible phone and (barring my dad extending my contract again, or other serious life-changing events between now and then) a new Cingular-compatible phone next Fall. Did I mention Grr? Grr!
***Seriously, I want to switch from mock-turtlenecks to sweaters for general layered warmness in the cold weeks of the year, and I own all of … ZERO sweaters. Now… what sort of sweaters will look good on me is … perhaps a complex and difficult question to answer, and one I am not prepared to address in this forum, though I expect those of you know know me have some ideas.
Disclaimer: This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but a basic list of the things that can be bought with money that I would like to have that I can think of right now. Not gonna die without these things (except maybe sweaters, but only if I lose all other warm clothes), these are not needs. These are also not the things that come first to mind when I think about what I want; those are usually things like ‘love’ and ‘peace throughout existence and everlasting good will between all sapient beings’ and ‘to get this book done’ and ‘to get some paintings done’ and things like that that you can’t exactly buy in a store and wrap up and put under a tree. That I know of. So. There you go. More updates to follow, possibly for weeks after “Christmas List” becomes moot.
I do not have any money really to buy holiday gifts for everyone I know. Though if I had known earlier that you wanted sweaters I totally would have bribed my knitting friend to teach me how to do one for you. Maybe next year. That will give me time to totally screw up on knitting such a thing. Hee hee.
Look I replied to two of your postings ^_^ I am so cool now. Yes! I am!
I do not have any money really to buy holiday gifts for everyone I know. Though if I had known earlier that you wanted sweaters I totally would have bribed my knitting friend to teach me how to do one for you. Maybe next year. That will give me time to totally screw up on knitting such a thing. Hee hee.
Look I replied to two of your postings ^_^ I am so cool now. Yes! I am!
Aha, and a new item for the list:
New earbuds for my iPod & radio; my left one has a rattling distortion for certain frequencies of sound, some of which happen to occur a lot in talk radio and Nine Inch Nails.
And Jennifer, I understand; I don’t really have money to buy everyone holiday gifts, either. So I’m buying for my immediate family members, basically, and trying to come up with good ideas for my close friends. ie: the ones I have considered friends for years and years.
And from you, perhaps that you read my site AND comment is holiday gift enough!
Aha, and a new item for the list:
New earbuds for my iPod & radio; my left one has a rattling distortion for certain frequencies of sound, some of which happen to occur a lot in talk radio and Nine Inch Nails.
And Jennifer, I understand; I don’t really have money to buy everyone holiday gifts, either. So I’m buying for my immediate family members, basically, and trying to come up with good ideas for my close friends. ie: the ones I have considered friends for years and years.
And from you, perhaps that you read my site AND comment is holiday gift enough!