Comments: closed

Okay, so. Because of the combined problems of I can’t afford to buy MT 3.1 right now and I don’t really want my site covered with hundreds of ads for Levitra, I’ve ‘closed’ every comment on every old entry, everywhere on Modern Evil.

I can’t afford to buy MT right now because I want to buy the new iBook next month, and I’m trying to keep my spending down so I can afford it. Actually, since the new models announced today include a price drop on the model I wanted combined with a speed bump and bigger hard drive, I’m pretty happy with the timing.

But as soon as either A) You guys donate $100+ to ME, or B) I pay off enough of my outstanding debt to cover the iBoox twice over (ie: some time next year, considering Christmas) I’ll go ahead and buy a license for the new version of MT, get it set up, and restrict comments to typekey users. Seriously.

So, yeah. I haven’t rebuilt all the pages yet, so you’ll think you can comment, but then when you try to, it won’t let you. For a little while. I’ll try to find the energy and patience to do that tonight.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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