Okay, so. Because of the combined problems of I can’t afford to buy MT 3.1 right now and I don’t really want my site covered with hundreds of ads for Levitra, I’ve ‘closed’ every comment on every old entry, everywhere on Modern Evil.
I can’t afford to buy MT right now because I want to buy the new iBook next month, and I’m trying to keep my spending down so I can afford it. Actually, since the new models announced today include a price drop on the model I wanted combined with a speed bump and bigger hard drive, I’m pretty happy with the timing.
But as soon as either A) You guys donate $100+ to ME, or B) I pay off enough of my outstanding debt to cover the iBoox twice over (ie: some time next year, considering Christmas) I’ll go ahead and buy a license for the new version of MT, get it set up, and restrict comments to typekey users. Seriously.
So, yeah. I haven’t rebuilt all the pages yet, so you’ll think you can comment, but then when you try to, it won’t let you. For a little while. I’ll try to find the energy and patience to do that tonight.
Would it be possible to add something… maybe user name and passwords… or something else?
Would it be possible to add something… maybe user name and passwords… or something else?
Yes, that is what TypeKey is for in v3.1 of MT.
Yes, that is what TypeKey is for in v3.1 of MT.