Square Wave

Middle of a three-day weekend. Actually my schedule at work gives me a three-day weekend every week, which is pretty sweet. Having to get up and around at quarter-to-too-early O’clock to get on the bus on a Sunday morning isn’t something I’m looking forward to, but I do get Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays off every week. And today’s Friday.

Which means I slept through most of yesterday after getting pretty drunk the night before, and didn’t manage to get much done in the time I was awake. You know, recovering from long hard days stuffing envelopes in uncomfortable chairs… It sounds less painful than it is, since my back usually hurts in a way that I can only accurately describe as “intensely” within around 45 minutes of beginning work. Ibuprofin helps, but … between staring at a computer screen for 10+ hours and the repetitive mouse/keyboard/envelope motions, my back and eyes and wrists are never happy at the end of the day. But I am pretty fast. Faster than … most anyone who’s done the job, apparently. Did 305 tickets on Wednesday, which is a LOT. Trust me.

Anyway, didn’t get much done yesterday but laundry and learning the basics of Quidditch World Cup, recently acquired for the XBox here. But getting the laundry done is good. Now, if only I could find an iron and ironing board, I could go through all of my button-down shirts and all my slacks (and perhaps my handkerchiefs and a few of the most-wrinkled t-shirts) and take the wrinkles out and put some creases in. That will be fun. Or at least meditative.

Today, I’m trying to get things done. I’ve already unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher and cleaned most of the kitchen counter (which was 80% of the kitchen’s mess that can be cleaned without a remodeling crew), had breakfast, and harrassed Iain about getting an Apple laptop. (I’m thinking of adding harrassing Iain about buying an Apple computer to my list of things to do every day – it’s quite fun.)

Soon I’ll be cleaning this desk/table (the one with the computer on it, that is), going through and working out what it is dad decided to bring down from Pine to me this week and putting as much of it away as I can. Taking out the garbage and recycle. Cleaning up a bit more of the kitchen. Straightening out the living rooms a bit. Showering, and then perhaps taking a bath in the whirlpool bath my dad installed and no one ever uses.

And later I’d like to go see Anchorman. And the more I think about it the more I also want to see Spiderman 2 again. But my sister, Angela, does not want to watch either of those. And while I am content to go watch movies by myself (just as I am comfortable walking into a restaurant and asking for a table for one), I would be more than happy to have company if you were thinking of watching one of these. Iain, I hear you haven’t seen S2 yet – it’s playing at the CineCapri still, which is as good excuse as any to venture to this side of town. Anyone else, if you’re interested in joining me for a motion picture, let me know. No rush. Doesn’t have to be today. But if you don’t get in touch with me, I’ll probably go ahead and watch Anchorman by myself today.

OOH! One other movie I want to see that came to the valley this weekend; Before Sunset. Definitely want to see that if I can. Should probably re-watch Before Sunrise before going, though. It’s been a while.

That’s all I have on my list today… well, that and perhaps some more Quidditch, perhaps a walk to the store to get some frozen dinners and some disinfectant all-surface cleaner and some kitchen sponges.


Oh, and I keep trying to win at this. What an excellent little campaign that is. It’s got me to spend money on iTMS for the first time in a long, long time. But … I figure if I get the timing right, ten or twenty dollars is an excellent price for a 20Gb iPod. At about $11 so far. We’ll see how things go. Worst case, I end up purchasing some music I wanted at a reasonable price. Best case, I win an iPod, or an iPod, 17″ Powerbook, and 10,000 songs.

Anyway, I’m off to get some more counter cleaned.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “Square Wave”

  1. Did I forget to mention I got called in for overtime yesterday? Yeah. Did 200 tickets in 8 hours. So, that’s pretty good, work-wise. ALso, earned time and a half for 8 hours. So, that’s pretty good, money-wise. Hopefully I’ll be able to afford to go to the dentist and stuff. One of my teeth (one of the six with known cavities) has been giving me mild discomfort – nothing to go crazy about, but discomfort is a change, which usually indicates … well … change. Which IS something to be concerned with. I’d hate to have my teeth all rot out. So. I suppose I’ll try to get to the dentist soon.

    But, I’ve got to go. A fair amount of things need to be done before I leave for the bus stop around 6:30. Then, after a rousing 35-minute bus ride and a lovely 15-20 minute walk, I can start doing tickets for 10 hours, then do the walk/bus/etc thing on the way home. Anyone wanna help me afford that iPod I’ve been wanting? Sure would make the whole day, day after day, go by easier.

  2. Did I forget to mention I got called in for overtime yesterday? Yeah. Did 200 tickets in 8 hours. So, that’s pretty good, work-wise. ALso, earned time and a half for 8 hours. So, that’s pretty good, money-wise. Hopefully I’ll be able to afford to go to the dentist and stuff. One of my teeth (one of the six with known cavities) has been giving me mild discomfort – nothing to go crazy about, but discomfort is a change, which usually indicates … well … change. Which IS something to be concerned with. I’d hate to have my teeth all rot out. So. I suppose I’ll try to get to the dentist soon.

    But, I’ve got to go. A fair amount of things need to be done before I leave for the bus stop around 6:30. Then, after a rousing 35-minute bus ride and a lovely 15-20 minute walk, I can start doing tickets for 10 hours, then do the walk/bus/etc thing on the way home. Anyone wanna help me afford that iPod I’ve been wanting? Sure would make the whole day, day after day, go by easier.

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