That was weird

I was shelving some recent WIRED magazines next to the other 6 years’ worth I have on my shelves, and as I kept shifting the item I’ve been using to separate the WIRED magazines from the big Medical Dictionary, I noticed for the first time that my mother has been in the room the whole time. I wonder if she liked WIRED.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “That was weird”

  1. Ha Ha! Ha ha ha!!!!

    Thanks for the laugh! I need that. If she bothers you I will take her away. (Insane laughter)

  2. Ha Ha! Ha ha ha!!!!

    Thanks for the laugh! I need that. If she bothers you I will take her away. (Insane laughter)

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