I just remembered

This may belong in the Pit of Geek, but Bah! I’m on a roll over here at FYTH tonight!

So, this comic over at Something Positive (the comic for July 10th, when the link goes bad in a day or two) reminded me of something. Reminded me of just how geeky I am.

I’ve been saying I’ve been using computers since I was 6, since that’s when I first started programming in BASIC on a TI99/4A. But then the comic reminded me about logo. I remember programming in logo. Here in Pine. I must have been 3, or 4 years old when I started using computers, and started ‘programming’. I know I was reading at 3. And that I moved to Phoenix from Pine at the age of … 6? So maybe I was up to 5 when I was programming. Maybe dad remembers. But, wow. I’m such a geek.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

2 thoughts on “I just remembered”

  1. Hey, Logo was my first programming language too! But, then, I took about a twenty year break. Except for some very VERY light stuff on the Commodore 128, I guess…

  2. Hey, Logo was my first programming language too! But, then, I took about a twenty year break. Except for some very VERY light stuff on the Commodore 128, I guess…

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