
Starting soon, I will be adding a section to Modern Evil under ‘Prose’ for content like what you would find in the ‘Editorial’ or ‘Opinion’ or ‘Letters to the Editor’ section of your local newspaper. Any Email sent to editor@modernevil.com, editorial@modernevil.com, opinion@modernevil.com, or opinions@modernevil.com will be considered for this section. Since I do not actually read the equivalent section of any newspaper and never have, I am simply making this up the way I think it should be done – if it ends up having no resemblence to its traditional equivalent, that’s okay.

Submissions can be on any subject you have an opinion on, and can be posted anonymously, but I will not accept submissions without a verifiable email address. If you already have a login for Modern Evil, use it. This new section is for everyone who doesn’t have a login but does have at least one thing to say. If you make a couple of intelligent submissions, I’ll probably offer you a login that you can use to post at your leisure. If you truly want to remain anonymous AND unreachable, you may send a physical letter with no return address to me at the following:

Modern Evil Opinions
c/o Teel McClanahan III
PO Box 2303
Pine, AZ 85544-2303

I will either re-type your message or scan it in (depending on its length and whether I get this keyboard fixed/replaced), but if you go to the time and trouble and expence to snail mail it to me I’ll get it posted even if I’m inundated with other submissions. (iggle.)

I think that’s that, then. Email me if you have questions.

Published by


Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.