Migraine Post

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was just a severe headache, maybe a sinus headache from sleeping in a house I’m allergic to… But severe
And I took a gram of tylenol and 600mg of Ibuprofin and an antihistamine and a decongestant spray and I set down and tried to read email and look at the web while I waited for the drugs to take over.
But the pain just kept getting worse instead of better, and my vision started to go, too.
Did you know this entire house seems to be entirely flooded with sunlight, front to back, in every room? Even in rooms where the only window is covered, the light just seems to be streaming in. Maybe I’m extra sensitive to light right now, though.
And it got worse and worse and worse and I turned the volume down on my computer’s music and turned it down and turned it down and then it was off and the lowest possible ‘on’ setting still seemed too loud, somehow.
And I took another gram of tylenol and another 600mg of ibuprofin, and I walked away from my computer and tried laying down and covering my eyes, and even with my palms pressed flat against my eye sockets it seems too bright in here…
And I haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday… I was planning on having some breakfast, but … I have no appetite right now… just a headache… And all those drugs should be in my bloodstream by now, it’s more than half an hour since the second batch… but my head still hurts and I can see less and less out of my right eye…
And I started digging through the extensive collection of pills (mostly vitamins and herbal crap) here at the house, thinking maybe the sinus pressure is making the migraine worse, trying to find an actual decongestant pill… and I found a pill the right color to be a decongestant, but the foil-backed bubble-pack-thing it was in wasn’t really labelled completely and I could find no box for it… but it said it was just one drug, one I haven’t taken any of yet, and that I could take up to one pill in 24 hours… so I took it… that was about ten minutes ago, and wow, my sinuses sure are clearing up fast. I haven’t breathed this well in a while. And yet the headache is just as bad.
Ooh, hey… some of the vision seems to be returning to my right eye, only to be replaced with additional pain deeper in my head!
I’m pretty sure migraines are caused by the same blood pressure problems that will give me a stroke later in life. What a thing to look forward to.
Oh, God, why me? Why this pain? Ohhhhhh….
I’m going to go try taking a warm shower, see if that’s help. I don’t know, I just want to at least be distracted a little from the severe pain-ness.
fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK! FUCK!!

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Migraine Post”

  1. My migraines may be different from yours, but I have to eat something, take about 8 ibuprofens, (usually puke at some point) and keep myself calm enough to go to sleep. To keep myself from getting upset (because it hurts so much) I do the “happy place” thing and concentrate on slow even breathing until I fall asleep. After a two hour nap it is gone.
    Sorry that you are in so much pain.

  2. My migraines may be different from yours, but I have to eat something, take about 8 ibuprofens, (usually puke at some point) and keep myself calm enough to go to sleep. To keep myself from getting upset (because it hurts so much) I do the “happy place” thing and concentrate on slow even breathing until I fall asleep. After a two hour nap it is gone.
    Sorry that you are in so much pain.

  3. boy, I am glad I dont have headaches. I am one of the lucky 15 percent that simply doesent get them. I have never even had brain freeze..

  4. boy, I am glad I dont have headaches. I am one of the lucky 15 percent that simply doesent get them. I have never even had brain freeze..

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