A little pit bull, anyone?

So I was minding the store today, minding my own business as it were, and it was a fairly uneventful day. A few customers, but since it was raining non-stop all day, there wasn’t much foot traffic in downtown Pine. So I took the opportunity to work on part of a painting that someone commissioned recently, and was making some good progress. Around 3 or maybe 3:30, Perry came over to let me know that he was closing up for the weekend, and whether I knew whose dog a little dog following him was. Nope. Never seen it. No customers or customers’ cars in sight. No idea. He says it just walked up the road, came right towards his store and inside. It followed him right over to my store and inside, too. Browsed for the rest of the afternoon, but didn’t buy anything. I think he was like most of the people who stopped by today, just trying to get out of the rain.

No one came by (or drove by looking like they were) looking for a dog, and when I closed up shop I got the little guy to follow me over to the grandparents’ cabin to see what they thought we should do with him, whether send him back out onto the highway or tie him up or what. He tried barking at the cats, but we wouldn’t allow that, and he ate all the cat food, and he sure was someone’s pet, since he has a collar (no tag, pretty beat-up collar, actually) and thinks it’s okay to sit on chairs. We decided we couldn’t leave him down with my grandparents because of the cats, so he’s up here with me now. My room (my life) is simply not equipped to deal with pets, but after a bit of whining I figured out he needed to pee and took care of that, then that he was thirsty and brought him some water. Now he’s sleeping peaceful-like in the handy-dandy I-never-sit-in-this-chair-so-you’re-welcome-to chair (with a uhaul blanket over it). I sure hope he doesn’t think he wants to get up early in the morning. I certainly don’t.

Anyway, I took a couple of shots of him to send down to Phoenix tomorrow so my dad can make up a ‘found dog’ sign for us to post at the Post Office, though it is highly suspected that this 3 or 4 month old pit bull (am I even spelling that right? Does it have a silent ‘q’ or an extra ‘i’?) was simply let out of the car by tourists who didn’t want him anymore. About the right age to have been someone’s brand new puppy on christmas morning, I suspect. I also hear that this breed likes to eat children. So, maybe I’ll keep him around.

I’ve never liked dogs before, but if I can teach this one to climb trees, maybe he’ll trim them for me.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

6 thoughts on “A little pit bull, anyone?”

  1. silent…. ‘Q’ trimming trees? roar! Well, its good you have a freind for a while. I hope he doesn’t decide you are a children, and try to eat YOU! Or maybee you will keep uit and have a child later in life, and it will eat it the night you bring it home..? no.. anyway, have fun with that. it sounds cute.

  2. silent…. ‘Q’ trimming trees? roar! Well, its good you have a freind for a while. I hope he doesn’t decide you are a children, and try to eat YOU! Or maybee you will keep uit and have a child later in life, and it will eat it the night you bring it home..? no.. anyway, have fun with that. it sounds cute.

  3. pit bulls r the best most loyal and wonderful pets ever. unfortunetely alot of states r banning them because we have paranoid, ignorant fucks running the place. personally i wont let that happen, not without a fight. never go down quietly!!!

  4. pit bulls r the best most loyal and wonderful pets ever. unfortunetely alot of states r banning them because we have paranoid, ignorant fucks running the place. personally i wont let that happen, not without a fight. never go down quietly!!!

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