Save Modern Evil – Buy A Painting!

Did I mention that in order to help generate revenue to Save Modern Evil, all 16″x20″ paintings I’ve done are available for a limited time for only US$80 each. There are nine such paintings online right now in the Art section. Within the next week or two, at least 5 more of these discounted paintings will be available online.

In addition to all the discounted paintings, any proceeds from the sales of other paintings available on Modern Evil (all paintings larger than 16″x20″) will go to Save Modern Evil. For instance, if someone bought lost, best intentions, or please, Modern Evil fould be saved in one fell swoop. With all the larger paintings, I will accept reasonable offers above or below the prices listed. Email me an offer!

Also, I’d like to extend an offer for commissioned work. I’ll extend the offer of creating any 16″x20″ paintings anyone wants to commission for the low, low price of only $80. For larger works and murals, contact me directly and we can negotiate a fair price. All proceeds from comissioned work from now until May 03, 2003 will benefit “Save Modern Evil.” Thank you,

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.