To those who turned me down:

To see the screening today of The Life of David Gale, I mean. I realise the screening was in the middle of the day on a Wednesday, all the way in Tempe, but you missed out. Not just on a free movie, mind you.

After the movie, Kevin Spacey came in for about an hour of Q&A.

That’s right, I got to meet Kevin Spacey in person. They wouldn’t let me lick him, but he was friendly and personable, and just as charming as you would expect. Humble, as well. I didn’t bother asking him a question in Q&A, since my questions weren’t on the topic of the movie at hand or how to ‘break in’ to the industry, which seems to be the sort of questions they look for at these things. Still, it was an interesting situation where my sitting in the front paid off in proximity to Kevin and the ability to actually meet him.

So, for those of you who I offered to come along, it’s too bad you turned me down. You really could have asked him anything, they weren’t screening questions at all. Or at least shook his hand. Too bad.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

6 thoughts on “To those who turned me down:”

  1. It’s just Kevin Spacey. Now if it was Kevin Heresabunchacash, or Kevin Madeofmintchocolateicecream, then that would have been something I was sorry to have missed.

    You should have asked “Are you hiring?”

  2. It’s just Kevin Spacey. Now if it was Kevin Heresabunchacash, or Kevin Madeofmintchocolateicecream, then that would have been something I was sorry to have missed.

    You should have asked “Are you hiring?”

  3. Even though I asked you to lick him for me, I would have been desperately jealous if you had. So I’m glad they didn’t let you.

  4. Even though I asked you to lick him for me, I would have been desperately jealous if you had. So I’m glad they didn’t let you.

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