Rebuilding ME – The Beginning

Let’s time it this time. Let’s see how long it takes from conceptualization to completion. I started brainstorming and sketching a new way of putting together all the pages of ME about 10:15 tonight, so I’m going to change the date/time of this post to match the beginning of what will be v4.5 of Modern Evil. Then after I am satisfied that I’ve got it all coded and working and in place, I’ll post again and we can see how long it was. Depending on how effeciently my brain is working right now and how fast I can overcome outstanding problems, I may make more posts in between. I’ll label them so you can keep track. Hopefully this will all work out great in the end.

Oh, and hopefully there won’t be any more problems with comments or site-building with the new version.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.